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So once there was a girl that had liked....not even was in love with this one guy but, she didn't know if he had feelings for her or not. So she was always confused every time she went around him. Her feelings always changed. She would have a strange feeling in her stomach. She would blush and get nervous. But always at the sight of him she had gotten furious.

But that's just the start of her story.

Isabella she was a sophomore in highschool. She was average height with hair as red as a cherry. But, she had a couple of problems going on being in highschool a girl that was different from everyone else. She wasn't as smart as everyone else in school ,she always tried her best but it was never enough. She tried everything possible to be as good as everyone else. So one day they were having cheerleading tryouts so she thought if she went go try out she would at least be noticed by someone,anyone. So she had went for the try-outs and she immeadiately noticed that she was different from the other girls. All of the other girls wher tall with tans and extermely preppy, but she didn't pay no mind to it.

So, while they where teaching the dance for the try-out session she caught on like that but she noticed that they others girls wasn't catching on as quickly as she had. Isabella had went to go help them but, only if they could make a deal. The deal was that if she taught them the dance they have to help her with her flexiblity. They had agreed to this deal. Isabella had thought that it was gonna be a good year for her knowing that she was going to be a cheerleader. Little did she know that in that exact moment was the start of hell....

From Isbella's POV

I am going to finally try out for the cheerleading team i hope that i will be able to make the team she said with high hope." But what if i don't make the team I'll be the laughig stalk of the entire school." And if that happens my life is definately over because i don't want (enter boys name here later) to thing of me as a joke. I wamt him to take me a serious as he does any other cheerleader or pretty girl. But, how can I make him see that im waiting for him. I dont know what else to do for him to notice me. So from there on she had called her bestfriend they had been friends for as long as hse can remember. Her name was Jodie. Jodie was THE person that she could rely on for anything,literally anything. They had plans set for life tatoos, babies,they basically had there entire life planned out.

Phone call:

Jodie: What do you want from me (jokingly)

Isabella: Hmm.... let me think you life!!!! (they laughted it off)

Jodie:But seriously what do you want?

Isabella:If I ry-out for the cheerleading team will you try to?

Jodie:For the last timeI'm not going to be a cheerleader EVER. I think it's ponitless for girls to jump up and down in tight outfits for some guys that paly football and NEVER win. 

Isabela's POV

I hope Jodie does show up to this try-out with me because she knows that I can't do this alone. Just as Isabella had said that Jodie was walking through the door.        jODIE!!! Isabella screamed and ran to her.

Isabella:I thought you weren't gonna come.

Jodie:I wasn't but then i thought about it....why would i lave my bestfriend hanging even if i HATE cheerleading.I'm going to do it for her. So... here I am. (they laughed about it)  so, everyone else had an idea of what they where getting into because they where streching and practicing flips and what not. But, Me and Jodie jusr stood there looking and watching them thinking should we actually be here right now. Just as we where about to start streching the coach walks in with a really happy expression on her face. The only thing I could think was "What did I just get us into".        The coach had told everyone that the head cheerleader wasn't there becuase she was at some cheer camp in Hawii and I looked at Jodie like that could us one day and she just shook her head like No, it could never be. ut, I wasn't gonna give up that easy it gave me hope to become captain one day. And, ifI had to drang Jodie to every practice I would. But, when a freshmen asked who was the head cheerleader i wanted to die right then and, there on the spot because, it was no other but, the person who has made my life aince 6 grade a living hell. It was Bianca......When I looked at Jodie I could swear she was on the verge of throwing up when she heard that name....Nicole.

Nicole was the one that always got the boy she wanted. She was the hot slim girl every girl wanted to be. But, couldn't even if they tried. I can't believ that Nicole is the head cheerleader, but I probably should have knwn better than to shouw up here. As, I turned to Jodie to tell her that we can leave she was already mesmerized into what the coach had said. Because at one point Nicole and Jodie where the besties that everyone wanted to be until....highschool hit them.        They did everything together it was like they where conjoined at the hips. It was until Nicole got her very first real boyfriend. His name Aaron, Aaron was a sweet guy in the beginning of their relationship but, after they kissed he started to get a little out of control. She wanted to leave him but something just kept dragging her back to him again and again. But that wasn't even the worst part about there whole realtionship. He took her virginity after about three months of them dating. He told her that he wanted it to be a special night for her. It was after prom and they went back to a hotel . And, he had candles and roses every where it was just perfect. That's what she thought but she was soo wrong.  So, as she went to go to change out of her prom dress he had stormed into the bathroom on her and attacked her. he told her that if she didn't have sex with him she would ruin her entire life. So, she had no choice to she later there and let it happen. What was 15 minutes felt like a lifetime to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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