Movie night that changed it all

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I don't own Marvel and I don't own any of the characters!

PS Pietro is alive 💙

The sound of shooting and shouting was filling the air in the forest somewhere in Canada. Avengers were fighting some kind of bad agents and they were winning.

Fortunately, they talked the whole Civil War thing through and made up adding all members of each team to the new Avengers.
The thing was, Tony never told anybody who Spider-Man was. They never met him after the fight at the airport and were curious who the last member of their team is.
Especially Sam and Bucky because this man had to be someone if he took them both down easily. Tony was always telling them that Spidey is super busy and they would meet him soon.

Truth was that Peter had school and was still (too) young to be an Avenger in Tony's opinion. Plus, they were Peter's childhood heros and Tony didn't want to ruin his dreams if they'd tell him he's just a kid.

Obviously it wasn't because he was afraid Pete's gonna like them better than him. Tony wasn't just overprotective and a little selfish.
No way.

"Incoming call from Spider Kid, Sir." Friday announced while Iron Man was shooting bad guys.

"Accept." Tony said and Peter's face appeared in one of the corners of his vision.

"Hi, Mr Stark. Am I interrupting something? Friday said that you're not busy so I decided to call but if yo-"

"Kid, stop. It's okay. So, did you need anything?"

"Oh, right. I don't know if you remember but we were supposed to watch second part of Kingsman so I just wanted to ask if I should wait some more or we are doing it other time. I'm a bit tired."

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry, kiddo. I forgot and I'm on the mission now. I'll be back in like two hours. If you want you can wait but firstly call May if she's okay with it."

"Sure, Mr Stark. I thought we cou- wait! On the mission? Are you sure you don't need help? I can help." Peter looked like an excited puppy and Tony chuckled.

"We're okay here. We're just finishing but I'll think about asking you next time." Peter beamed at that and Tony smiled.

"Wait, we? So, you're with THE Avengers? Can I meet them? Are they coming? I should make more popcorn! Do they like popcorn? Maybe I sho-"

"Kid, breathe. They like popcorn but I'm not sure if they'd want to watch a movie. They all have their own tings they like to do after a mission." Peter's smile got a little smaller.

"Oh, right. Sorry." Tony sighed.

"Okay, I'll ask them if they want to watch a movie. Remember to call May, Pete."

"Sure thing, Mr Stark." Teen grinned and the call ended. Tony sighed again but a small smile was on his face. He looked around the battlefield and saw that most of the agents were dead or captured.

"Guys are you up to watching a movie after this?" He asked and shot a guy who was near him.

"Sure. We haven't watched anything together since... forever." Clint said and some others agreed.

"I think I'll pass." Said Wanda and Tony frowned. Peter wanted to meet them all and he most certainly didn't want to see the kid disappointed.

"C'mon, Wanda. You want to miss the first movie watched by the whole team?"

"Except Spider-Man, because sOmEbOdY doesn't want us to meet him." Said Natasha and Tony smirked.

"I said the whole team, didn't I?" He commented and there was a pause of silence. Then almost everyone started yelling excitedly and Tony just laughed finishing last guys.

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