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Guys, I'm trying so hard with this and I see you really like it so I'm going to continue. Boys P.O.V. is just  strange, especially when I don't have any brothers to help me lol.

Also, I absolutely LOVE your reactions to it too. :p Thank you for putting this on The What's Hot List: Horror #97 and Mystery/ Thriller #117. Yep, that's right @ShadedDusk, this story is already ranking. I'm a bit surprised- not to mention grateful-  as well, haha. :) Enjoy chapter six.

In my perfect world I'm with her. In my perfect world, I'm with the woman of my dreams. In my perfect world, she's laying beside me while I'm holding her close. In my perfect world, she sees how perfect we are for each other. 


Her voice is raspy this morning. Making my insides twist and arousal prevalent.

"Hey sleepyhead," I smile happily at her as she wraps her lean arms around my abdomen.

I love not just her, but how she makes me feel. It's as if all of my anger suddenly dissapears at the vitalizing sight of her. My life is better with her in it.

"I overslept again, but with you it's worth it." She grins at me while I rub her arms gently.

"Yeah babe, I'll oversleep with you in my arms everyday for the rest of my life."

I stare at her, too infatuated to say another word. She makes me speechless every fucking time my eyes land on her.

She yawns while snuggling closer to me. I notice how her dark brown hair still covers part of her angelic face, while her garnet eyes glimmer in the sunlight seeping in through the large windows. I'm staring lovingly at her while her eyes smolder at me. The rays of sunlight satiates the large bedroom while we lay in peaceful silence; just enjoying one another's presence.

Closing my eyes, I sigh happily while she begins to drift off to sleep. 

"My Ava." I whisper before planting a lingering kiss on her forehead.

"What was that?" I hear Emmy question, but I ignore her. I'm too pissed to talk right now. My jaw clenches the longer I harbor over my stupid failure.

I can't believe I missed my chance. What the hell is wrong with me? I was given another chance to actually talk to her, and just like the idiot I am I blew it. I've managed to fuck this up just like I've fucked up everything else in my already shitty life. At this rate, I'll never get to talk to her, even if I do have eight months left.

With a disgruntled sigh, I bite into my hamburger.

"You okay?" A voice breaks the silence but not my thoughts.

I need her to like me- no, love me as much as I love her. I need her in my life. I want her to be mine and I want- no, I need her to accept it.  If I could just see her every morning when I open my eyes, or feel her heart beating beside me every night then my life will revived; restored with meaning and purpose. I need someone to live for, and she's that person. Whether she wants to be or not. She is my one and only. My heart and soul; She is my Mrs. Ian Hunt.   

"What'd that burger do to you?"

With a confused frown, I stare at my hands. With a few mumbles I wipe the bread, meat, and ketchup off my hands.

"I seriously thought the food had pissed you off or something." She speaks timdly, sensing my inner rage.

"Yeah, I squeezed the shit out of my burger, now can we just move the hell on?"

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