Chapter 2: Come Closer

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I can feel her on my skin

I can taste her on my tongue

She's the sweetest taste of sin

The more I get the more I want

She wants to own me

Come closer

And I just can't break myself away

But I don't want to escape

I just can't stop

The moment he saw her, Mike thought he had to be dreaming. There couldn't possibly be a woman alive that beautiful. She was ethereal with her soft features, her perfect lips, her porcelain white skin and those eyes that were completely captivating.

The moment their eyes had connected Mike felt like he had fallen under a spell, an ancient magic that he never wanted to end. There was just something about her, something about her deep red hazel eyes that scorched him, as if he was marked. As if he was hers, and they both knew it.

Mike had only just met her and yet it was like he had known her forever before this life, and through every life his soul had ever lived. He felt a connection with her, something that he didn't realise he had been searching for his entire life. And then suddenly she was there and life itself just made sense.

And through all the complexity of these emotions rushing around his body and the pounding of his heart, he couldn't quite believe his luck that he got to walk her to Will's, that he got to spend even more time with her. He couldn't help but ask if she was Will's girlfriend, it just felt so odd that he had known Will practically all his life and this mysterious girl had never come up.

Between her alluring personality, her striking looks and the way she seemed to be attracted to him too, Mike wondered if he was actually dreaming. This all couldn't be real, what could she see in him? She could have anyone, Mike was sure the whole human race would fall to her feet if she demanded it. And yet, here she was, in his personal space, whispering that she thought he was hot too and Mike was just about ready to faint he was so dizzy.

"Come on," she beckoned him, her eyelashes fluttering slightly in the moon light. "We're almost there."

Mike didn't even realise he was still frozen to the spot where she had left him, a hormonal mess, his chest heaving for air and his heart ready to jump out of his throat. He was so flustered it took him a moment before he could hurry back over to her. He was meant to be leading her safely to Will's house and yet he could barely look after himself in this moment.

He noticed how she was a lot tenser than she had been a few minutes ago, her shoulders looked tight, her jaw was clenched, and she was keeping her hands close to her sides, her finger nails leaving curved shapes in her palms. Mike frowned, worrying that he had made her feel uncomfortable. His cheeks filled with colour, a pink blush pounding against his cheek bones as he quietly tried clearing his throat and looked ahead, relieved when he saw Will's house come into view.

Through the confusion El had settled into his heart and mind, Mike couldn't help but be thankful that they had reached their destination. He honestly didn't know what he would have done if he was alone with her any longer. Mike knew that his friends classed him as brave, but when it came to this beautiful creature, he couldn't breathe. He could barely function around her and didn't know what he would say to her when he was so overwhelmed.

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