Chapter 4: Take My Whole Life

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AN: Please enjoy the final two instalments of The Dark Side. 

Warning: Explicit sexual content. If you are too young to be reading this story, then please respect the mature rating! 

Take my hand

Take my whole life too

For I can't help

Falling in love with you

Hawkins had always been an unusual town. Old fashioned, remote and boring, nothing that really made it special. At least not on the surface.

Below that superficial exterior was a mind field of mysteries, a twisted vine of lies and dark secrets. It was something Mike had never known, living within the veil of ignorance until he had his eyes opened to the truth. Until he had seen El.

He should have known from the first moment that he saw her what she was, his smart mind denying the truth, while his heart and soul were more than willing to accept El for what she was. A vampire.

Even twisting the word around his brain multiple times still seemed to blow Mike's mind.

It was the day before Halloween and Mike found himself going for a drive around the town that he had once thought he knew so well. His palms were slightly clammy as he gripped onto the steering wheel, cruising at a steady speed while his gaze flickered from the road to the regular sites of Hawkins.

He found a small smile twitching at his lips as he drove past the Palace Arcade, memories of many summer days and nights spent playing Dragons Lair with the boys flashing through his mind. Mike had always been the worst at the arcade games, much preferring his role as Dungeon's Master in their game of D&D.

Mike turned his attention away from the Palace Arcade and focused back on the road until he once again looked over at The Hawk movie theatre. He could practically see the imprinted memories of himself, Will, Dustin and Lucas spilling out onto the pavement, buzzing with excitement after seeing Ghost Busters or Back to The Future.

It seemed like a whole life time ago, especially now that Mike's whole world had just become a million times larger. Things he had only thought were a myth now sparkled with blinding clarity.

He continued to drive, his mind still racing with endless thoughts and possibilities before he pulled up to his destination. Mike looked up at the large school building and smiled, his eyes warm as he took in the Hawkins Middle School sign printed into the rough brick wall.

The school was out of session for fall break, so the parking lot was empty except for Mike who clambered out of his car and locked the door behind him, keeping his eyes on the school.

He walked around the building, nostalgia filling his senses and making his chest tight with emotion. His dark amber eyes moved across to the elementary school, a wide smile lifting his lips as he noticed the swings in the distance. They were the same set that Mike had found Will at, his first best friend and brother. The sound of innocent child laughter seemed to fill his ears like a whisper in the wind as his mind took him back to that simpler time.

It wasn't long before Lucas joined the boys, his personality fitting in like it should have always been there. And then Dustin arrived, and Mike knew they were complete.

And while the party was formed and the years that would follow would be filled with laughter, happiness and innocent joy, they had to eventually grow up.

It wasn't until Mike hit 13 that he started to think of the other half of him, the side not witnessed or seen by the party, the side that belonged to another and lay in wait until that person arrived. It was the part of him that he had willingly given to El the moment their eyes locked on each other.

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