Week 6

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We locked them in a closet. That was Sara's friend, Jane's, idea. She's a freaking genius, let me tell you. I swear to god it almost worked, until we let them out after like two hours or something. Armageddon happened the next day. Charlie put hot sauce into literally everything I ate, and then somehow managed to get it into anything I drank. Davis got glued to his locker, probably by Wyatt, and somebody *cough* Wyatt *cough* got Sara and Jane in a closet and then Charizard broke the lock. Which I personally think was like, way excessive, we didn't actually do anything. It was kind of funny though, the way everything turned out halfway okay. I mean, they're not like, together or anything-yet-but Charmander has finally let Wyatt take control of his balls again, and he gave her back the ability to stop mood-swinging so hard she could pop off my head in a home run. Today's the last week of the assignment, though, so you won't be hearing from me directly again. You'll definely hear about me though. I suppose this writing thing wasn't really all that bad. The ending, not the part where I was forced to write about my life against my will. I guess I'll be seeing you around then. Ace out.

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