I'm falling for you

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Chapter One ♥♥

The music pounded throughout the house. While I walked through the party, I happened to see a group of my friends. I walked over towards them.

“Hey Kieron.” Kieron and I knew each other from since the third grade. Ever since then we have been friends since. I gave him a smile and we both giggled. That was the usual way we started off with our convos. “Have you seen Corhan yet?” I asked Kieron. Corhan Lockridge is like one of the SEXIEST guys you may ever meet in a lifetime. He has been my crush for so long I can’t even count. “Naww last time I saw him was earlier today at last period.” Sighing, I thought to myself, we will never notice me. “I guess this isn’t his type of party anyway.” I said sounding disappointed.  “So Jemms have you found out where you having your “SUPER 17”? “ No, but that’s what I been meaning to talk to you about, can you help me with the planning and stuff. Cause my mom is so busy with work and crap … So can you?” Well of course not!” “What I that we were best friends?” Jemms I’m joking, of course I’ll help you, plus I have a couple of ideas. I glanced over by the front door and saw Thee Corhan Lockridge walking in with his gang. GOD DAMN that boy is so cute, he has the perfect hair, perfect body, perfect face, perfect smartness, and perfect voice! He’s the dream boyfriend that all girls would want.

“So J how are you getting home…….? Uhhh Jemm…… Jemm….. JE’TEAM!” Kieron yelled. “What Niggah? You don’t have to yell!” I said. “Well maybe if you were not drooling all over Corhan you would have heard me the first time. “Anyways what were you asking me Kieron?” “How are you getting home?” “Walking……” I said. “You don’t have I can give you a ride.” “Thanks Kris”.

Corhan spotted us and began walking over. Kieron continued talking to me while I was paying more attention to Corhan coming towards us. I had to make sure that I look right before he came to close, so I grabbed my phone from my back packet.

            “Hey ma I don’t think we know each to well?” he said with a cute little side smile “Uhhhhh No …” I said chocking on what to say “Your cute, we should hangout some time. Do you have a boyfriend” he said while grabbing my hand. “Uh no she doesn’t but she will talk to you later.” Said Kieron over hearing my conversation with Corhan like he was jealous. “I think I can speak for myself thank you Mr. I can handle everything.” I said wondering what was going on with that boy.” Well I guess I should start going but call me some time” handing me a paper with his number on it. “Sure I will” I said with a huge smile.” “I hope to hear your voice over the phone soon.” “Deuces Kieron” he said laughing at what I had said to Kieron.” “Yeah check you player” Kieron said sarcastically.

It started to get late so Kieron and I decided to leave. We both enjoyed ourselves but when I glanced over at Kris and saw that he looked a little upset, but I wasn’t sure if I should ask him what was wrong. He tends to get a little antisocial we he is upset or sad.   Kieron has been there for me every step of the way if since I moved here. He was the only person who didn’t judge me and really wanted to be a friend and help me out with school work or anything I needed help with. The whole car drive he hasn’t been talking, which caused me to nod off. He realized I was falling asleep and fixed my head. I felt his hand and it caused me to wake up.

“Kris what’s wrong you haven’t talked this whole car drive?” “It’s nothing.” “Come on Kris you can trust me, we are friends for a reasons.” Its jut that Corhan guy.” “See I know you would be jealous of him!” I said with a smile. “I’M NOT JEALOUS OF HIM” “You’re not but yet you yelling? So what is it about him that is bothering you?” “I don’t want you to get hurt.” He said softly “What?” “I don’t want you to get hurt” he said louder.” “I’m not going to, he is a great guy” “You don’t even know him” “I might not but I’m going to get to.” “Trust me just leave him alone, I’m telling you to keep you from getting hurt.” “What are you talking about you don’t know anything about him.” “I do, know a lot that you never even thought about hear with his name in it, but you won’t listen to me.” “You just over reacting Kris” “Here you go, your home safe “Sighs “Good night Kris and thanks again.” I aid while come and the car and waving. “No problem, what are friends for.” He said while watching me walk to the door. “Bye Kris, I got the door open” I said while walking into the house. “Adios Chica!” He said while driving off.

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