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As i woke up in a puddle of sweat i realized it was just a dream. As i get out of bed and go to my bathroom to take a hot shower. I turn on the water and try to let all the stress away. I let out a big sigh,its been about twenty minutes and have to go back to the cold hard reality, i put on my clothes and brush my very tangled hair god it hurts sometimes. Its been about an hour and im ready to visit my sister raven she lives like 2 hours away but whatever.as i get into my car i realised the gas tank was almost empty,i was alittle nerves i would run out of gas but as i soon realized thare was a  gas station down the street i would be fine. I get to the gas station and i fill my tank up so now im good. I been driving for about an hour almost two and i notice i was almost thare,its been another hour and i arrive at ravens house. I knock on the door and raven anwsers "hey sis" hey" she says back in a nerves voice you needed to tell  me something? I say"yeah... "um come in as i walked in i thought why is raven acting so weird... its been an hour and we been talking, raven gave me hot tea i love it btw and she said "i kinda slept with tyler a few times". I spit out my tea and said "what!!!!" "What the hell raven you to" as i feel the fury in my body i dumped my hot tea on her and slammed her door and left without saying anything. I drove the car to a a cliff not to far from my house and poured gasoline all over it i made sure nothing important was left in thare first though.as i threw a lighter on and watched the car lighting up in flames "burn bitch" i say to myself i trusted,loved you. and you do this to me. As i sat thare crying knowing i shouldn't mourn over someone who is breaking me even more death. I put out the fire and call connor "hello i hear someone say"is this connor "yep"hey its aleena can we meet up "yeah of course he says. He hangs up and i know what im gonna tell him when we meet up

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