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Adam: You And And Your Best Friend Adam Were Out Having Lunch When He Invites His Whinny Girlfriend Along. You Always Hated How He Gave Her What She Wanted Just To Shut Her Yap. She Always Wore To Much Makeup And Less Clothes As The Days Went On. She Looked Like Freaking Barbie To Your Opinion Which Exactly Is Right. You Went Home And Ignored Every Text And Call Adam Sent And Went To Bed Wishing He Noticed How Much You Cared And Loved Him Wishing He Felt The Same.

Chris: You Always Had A Thing For Chris Your Best Friend But He Has A Girlfriend And By The Looks Of It She Hates Your Guts For No Reason. The Day She Met You She Started Saying How Much Of A Slut And Bitch You Are. You Were Hurt And Inside You Wanted To Pipe Up But The Words Never Came. Chris Didn't Believe You When You Told Him So For The Past 2 Years You Haven't Spoken And Now The Love Of Your Life Is Getting Married And You Didn't Know What To Do At All Besides Cry Yourself To Sleep Every Night Wishing It Was You Marrying Him.

Darren: You And Your Best Friend Darren Went Out Shopping For The Day With His Girlfriend. The Thing Is You And Darren's Girlfriend Have Hated Each Other Since Grade 10 She's Always Bullied You And Abused You. She Knows You Have A Thing For Darren And Every time She Sees You Staring She Makes Out With Him. You Left Them And Ran Home Crying. You Got 18 Missed Calls And 20 Unread Messages From Him Asking Me If I'm Okay Or If I'm Safe. You Didn't Answer Just Cried And Cried Until You Couldn't Cry Anymore.

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