Chapter 4

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Kaylies POV

I woke up from my blissful slumber and hit my alarm clock off. I looked at the clock to see it was 10 am and then I realized that I'm alone in my bed. I threw the covers off my body and walked over to my bathroom. I started the shower making sure it was warm enough before I got in. I did the usual shower rutine, shut the shower off and wrapped my fuzzy blue towel around my body. I walked over and opened my closet to figure out what I would wear today, and I eventually chose on a 5SOS pink tank top, denim ripped shorts, and blacl converse. After I put that on i decided to put my hair up in a french braid bun thingy. After i was finished getting ready i walked down stais to the kitche to see all the boys eating breakfast and still in their PJ's.
"Morning guys" I said. I heard a chorus of "Good mornings" and "Morning". I walked to the pantry to get my cereal but when I got there, there was none left, those pigs.
"Guyysss you ate all my cereal, what am i supposed to eat now?" I pouted while looking at the pigs in my kitchen. "Here you can have the rest of mine" Ashton said while passing me his cereal bowl while kissing my forehead. "Well what are you going to eat now, I feel bad" I told him while frowning. "It's all good I wasnt hungry anyways, plus we're all going out later so ill pick something up, now eat" Ashton explained while pushing the bowl closer to me. "As long as we're back at a good time tonight, I have a date tonight with Niall k?" When I finished talking Ashton looked like he could kill someone, which really confused me because him and I are only friends. "Yeah whatever" Ashton then stormed out of the kitchen and went up the stairs. "Uhm okay then? When you guys are done just put your bowls in the sink and ill clean them while you guys get ready.
30 mins later
"Guys come on! Whats taking so long?" The guys soon came bundling down the stairs and headed to the van.  "Where are we going again?" I asked Liam. "Uhm I think we're going to a interview about 30 minutes away, so we'll be there soon." I put my head phones in my ears and fell asleep to Skinny Love by Birdy.
At Interview
I was shaken awake not so nicely might I add. I opened my eyes to see Ashton looking at me very irritated. "Well hello to you to" I said to him sarcastically. You know what I got in response, silence, I dont know what Ashton's problem is but he needs to quit being rude. When we finally got to where to the boys were being interviewed they were rushed off to get ready because we were a bit late. 20 minutes passed and the boys were about to go on stage. I sat down on one of the couches that were backstage and watched as the boys walked on stage and tried to fit themselves on two couches. Yeah nine boys trying to fit on two couches was definately a sight to see.
I- Hello boys its nice tosee you all here this morning. How are you guys doing?
Boys- "Good" "Great"
I- Very well, lets get started shall we? To start of as you know most of the fans want to know who is single and who isnt. How about if you're taken you raise your hand?
Liam, Zayn and Louis all rose their hands and had massive grins on their faces.
Liam- Im dating my amazingly beautiful girlfriend Danielle and wecouldnt be happier.
Zayn- Some of you might know but im currently engaged to my wonderful girlfriend/fiance Perrie.
Louis- My amazing girlfriend is Eleanor and I cant wait to see her soon.
I- Are your girlfriends in town soon?
Liam- No but when we start tour in a few weeks they will all be here for part of the American leg of the tour. And we are all so excited to see them.
I- Aww how sweet. If you guys are starting tour in a few weeks why are you guys here?
Louis- Well Liam had to come see his family because of an emergency and we had a benefit concert here last night.
I- Liam is your cousin here today? Can she come out here?
Liam- Sure Ill go and get her.
By that time I was freaking out. There was no way i was going out there. I hate speaking to new people because I always make myself look like a fool. I started to make my way to anywhere other than here but Liam soon caught up with me and slung me over his shoulder
"Liam put me down! You're making me look ridiculous!" I screamed but it had no effect on him. When we got on the stage he dropped me off his shoulder and luckily i landed on my feet and not my butt. "Uhm hi" I smiled nervously towards the Interviewer.
I- Well hi there, why dont you take a seat.
I looked at the boys and realized i was going to have to sit on one of their laps. Zayn and Louis were out of the question because I did NOT feel like getting an angry phone call from their girlfriends. Dont get me wrong Dani and Perrie are super sweet, but when it comes to their boyfriends, thats a whole different story. Liam was definately out fo the question because hes my cousin and just no thank you. I looked at Niall and he smiled so I was going to walk to him to sit on his lap, but then I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me down on their lap. I looked to see who this person wa and i was a little shocked to see that it was Ashton. He sent a glare over to Niall but it soon disapeared when he remembered we were on live TV. I looked to Ashton to see he had a firm and serious face but when he looked at me his whole face softened and he lightly smiled at me.

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