Chapter 7

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Kaylies POV

I could feel myself being shaken and poked. "I swear to god whoever is shaking me I'm going to hit them." I heard giggling in the room and it sounded more than one person. I rolled over and opened my eyes to see most of the guys in my room. "Why are you waking me up so early you mean people?" I asked. "Because you lazy butt we have to get on the bus in less than an hour to go to the next city." I heard Liam say. When I heard I had less than an hour to get ready I jumped out of bed and headed straight for the shower. After I did all my shower business I peeked out the bathroom door to make sure none of the boys were in there. When the coast was clear I made my way over to my suitcase. I already packed my things last night but I made sure to lay out a pair of clothes for today. I picked a gray tank top, denim shorts and maroon vans. Once I was finished getting dressed I walking back into the bathroom and plugged in my hair curler. Once that was hot enough I curled my hair in long curls. When I was finished getting ready I made my way to the kitchen. I could smell bacon and pancakes coming from the kitchen. When I walked in the kitchen I saw Harry flipping a few pancakes. "Mornin Harry, how'd ya sleep?" I asked while getting orange juice from the fridge. "Morning Kaylie I slept pretty good thanks." He said. "Where are the rest of the boys?" I asked him and hopped onto the counter. "They already ate so they're doing last minute packing." "Haha I already packed mine last night when I came back." He pointed his spatula towards me "You smart girl haha". "So who are you cooking breakfast for?" "For you and me silly, who else?" He said while plopping a few pancakes on his and mine plates. "There's bacon in the microwave if you want some. I saved you some so the boys wouldn't eat it all." Harry said and took his plate to the dining room. I got the bacon from the microwave, grabbed my plate and made my way to the dining room with Harry.

After breakfast was finished we all pulled our bags to the lobby of hotel to wait for Paul. Once Paul was finished checking us out of our room we went out the back of the hotel to where the bus was. When we all made it out the hotel back and to the bus we put our suitcases in a compartment type thing on the bottom of the bus. When the suitcases were all in we all went in the bus. The tour bus was so amazing. In the front was where the driver was of course, the middle-ish area was like a living room type thing that had a small kitchen that was next to it. In the back were tons of bunk beds, and the farthest back was like a movie/game room with a huge TV in it. "Alright Kaylie everyone pretty much has their own bunk that they like but there's an open one above Ashtons bunk on the end." Liam told me. Great I get to be close to someone who hates my guts, just perfect. I nodded my head and went to find my bunk. When I found it I chucked my backpack on it. Ashton looked up at me from his bed. "What are you doing?" He asked rudely. "Im putting my things in my bunk, it's the only one left." I told him. He sighed and got up from his bunk and left the bunk room. The guys in the room looked at me with sympathy. I sighed and climbed my way to my bunk. Once I was in I closed the shade thing and pulled out my phone. I began looking through my pictures and they were mostly of me and Ashton laughing and just enjoying each other. I miss those days, and I don't know if we'll ever be like that again. I kept replaying old memories of when me and Ashton hung out, which was all the time, and I didn't realize I was full on sobbing.

Lukes POV

All of us were putting our things in our own bunk when we heard Ashton and Kaylie start talking. "What are you doing?" Ashton asked, very rudely might I add. Kaylie told him she was putting her things in her bunk because it was the only one left. He sighed and left the bunk room. We all looked at Kaylie with sympathy and she just climbed into her bunk and shut the blind. A few minutes later I heard her full on sobbing and I knew she was crying about Ashton. Hes caused her so much pain and I wanted to punch him in the face for it. It was only me and Calum left in the bunk room so I put the rest of my things on my bed and went over to Kaylies bunk bed. I opened the blind and what I saw broke my heart. Kaylie was crying her eyes out and was holding one of Ashtons sweatshirts that he gave her. Her face was completely red and she was in the fetal position. "Kaylie come here." I whispered to her. She looked up at me and started crying more. I pulled her out of her bunk and sat on Louis's bed holding her. She cried for another  5 minutes then she looked at me. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her and she nodded her head. "Its just that me and Ashton used to be so happy and he was my best friends, and n-now he hates m-me. I d-don't even know what I did wrong. .  I hate him being mad at me. Maybe I should just go home, I don't want things to be weird with anyone and I don't want you or the guys to be mad at him." There is no way she is going home, Ashton just needs to talk to her and sort things out. "Im going to take a nap before we get to Barcelona." She said and got off my lap and climbed into her bunk again. I sighed and left the bunk room.

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