Chapter 6

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I was in his house. The person i lost so many years ago. The family photos were still on the wall, it was like nothing ever changed. His mom never really liked change, so she never moved any furniture around. Being in his house again brought back so many memories.

"Kaylie come find me" I heard him whisper. I walked up the stairs and to his bedroom. I stood outside his bedroom afraid of going in. I was afraid all the memories would come flooding back and i would break down. The last few months have ben getting better, but i know things will never be the same. I gently put my hand on the door knob. "Come on Kaylie, dont be such a scardy cat." I heard him say. I ushed open the door and there he was, my best friend James. He had chocolate brown hair in kind of a surfers hair cut thing and piercing blue eyes. I always found his eyes the best part of him, other than his personality. He was the kind of person who would jump infront of a bullet for you, he would let you cry on his shoulder for hours even if it was for the most stupid things. He was the smartest kid in our classes but he never bragged about it. He was a very humble person, and he was the kindest person ive ever met. James died when I was 14 and him being 14 from a car crash. James was sitting in the front passenger seat when a truck T-Boned his car. The doctors said he died on impact and that he didnt suffer. His mom was never the same after that. James parents got a divorce when he was 8 and he was an only child. The lonelyness was to much for his mom, so one day she over dosed on pain medication. Not a day goes by that i dont think about James and his mother, she was always like a second mom to me.

I stared at him for what felt like hours. He got off the bed and walked o me. He gave me his million dollar smile and i could feel the tears coming. He pulled me inot a hug and i could have broke down right there. "Shh dont cry, im right here." He whispered. I pulled away "How are you here? Where am I?" I asked. "Im dead silly where do you think we are." "Wait, im dead?" "Well no, thats why im here. Part of you wants to live and the other doesnt want to. Im here to convince you to go back to your friends and family." "But i dont want to, i want to be with you James, i miss you so much." "Listen Kay, you have to go back. Think of all the people who are going to suffer if you dont go back. Are you really willing to just leave your mom all alone while your dad isnt home. And think of poor Liam, he will go the rest of his life blaming himself and eventually the outcome with be the same thing what happened to my mom. Niall will blame himelf to because he was driving, he will become depressed and give up on everything, that includes the band. If you stay One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer will become non existant. Ashton is your best friend now and I couldnt be more happier for you, think of what would happen to him. Hes practically in love with you Kaylie, you wouldnt want to break his heart would you?" I thought about what he said and hes right, i cant just leave eberyone because i want to be selfish and stay with James. "Okay, ill go back." He smiled and nodded his head. He grabbed my hand and kissed my head. "I love you Kaylie boo, dont you forget that okay?" I nodded my head afraid i would start crying. "I love you to Jamsie"


I felt cold. Really cold. I could hear shuffling around the room and whispered talking. "I cant believe this happened to her. I was supposed to watch out for her, but this is your fault!" I heard what sounded like Liam say . "Liam just calm down, shes going to be fine, i promise." I heard who i think was Zayn say to i guess Liam. I could hear crying in the room and more shouting. I felt someone come and hold my hand, and i guess they were crying because i felt water on my hand. "Im so sorry Kaylie." I felt some whisper.  I opened my eyes and the firs thing i saw was Liam and then the dream with James came bck and I started to sob and everyone noticed I was awake. Liam rushed over to me and Niall got out of the way. "Kaylie oh my god your okay,  thank god. Why are you crying?" He kneeled beside the bed. "I-I s-saw James, a-and he s-seemed so real. W-we talked and h-he t-told me that I h-had to come back and n-not leave you guys. Liam i miss him so much." By this time i full on sobbing and Liam gently sat on the bed and held me. He held me until my sobs became sniffles. By that time the doctor came in and startting asking me a bunch of annoying questions.

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