Red Riding Hood: Chapter 1

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Once upon a time there was a child named Red, 'Little Red Riding Hood', but Red was not a little girl; Red was a young man with a hatred for wolves... 

With no family to protect him in a forest of demon wolves, Red learned quickly how to survive on his own, avoiding the wolves at all cost when he was young. He wasn't completely alone; he had a pet cat named Fay that was by his side for as long as he could remember, Fay never got old, he stayed a young cat for years, Red believed Fay was magically immortal. 

As soon as Red was old enough to kill the wolves that haunted his dreams he was all too eager to pick up the sword and begin his hunt. Having watched the foul creatures his entire life came in handy but he knew nothing could prepare him for the real thing. 

"Hiss!" Fay hissed lowly at the nearing wolf. 

Red pet his cat's ears in an attempt to calm him, tugging his hood onto his head and pulling out his dual blades from their place on his back, becoming completely silent. 

The unbeknownst wolf walked almost silently under the tree that Red was perched in wait... 

'Almost silent won't be enough to get past me, Monster...' And with that in mind Red leapt from the branch he was on and skillfully landed on the demon wolf's back, blade ready, and muscles tense. 

The wolf's first instinct was to throw whatever was on his back off, but Red held a firm grip on it's fur, knowing that would be it's first thought. It's second thought would be to rear it's ugly head back and bite whatever was on it; Red knew that too and decided to stab it in its snout. The wolf was a mere second from howling in agony before Red stabbed it's head, silencing it forever. 

He clicked his tongue in signal and Fay leapt from the tree, walking over to Red and sniffing the wolf's still body. 

Red smirked, "Looks like we're eating meat tonight, Fay," 

"Row?" Fay tilted his head. 

Red hauled the monster's dead body onto his shoulders and began carrying it home. He didn't live in a house but he did have a home; a cave underneath of a small waterfall, large stepping stones leading to the entrance of the cave. Red skipped onto the stepping stones while still hauling the wolf on his back like it was child's play, stepping around the waterfall and through the narrow gap where water didn't fall. Once inside the cave Red cleaned off his weapons and used a knife to skin the beast, hanging it's skin to dry, he gutted the animal and started a fire to cook it's meat. 

"Mmm...Revenge is a dish best served cold, and Justice is a dish best served hot," Red said to himself while eating his dinner, "Try some, Fay, it's delicious," He said, holding a piece of meat in front of the cat, who sniffed it and quickly snatched the piece from Red's hand. 

Red chuckled at Fay, rubbing his cat's back and eating his fill of wolf's meat before going to sleep.

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