Red Riding Hood: Chapter 4

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When Red first laid eyes on the kingdom his thought was that teamwork was a very powerful thing, and his first thought when he saw the palace was that it was absolutely gorgeous. 

The Queen was waiting on the steps on the palace for them to return; she had white hair that shone in the sun like Red's did, he was surprised to notice that she had neither red nor golden irises like Red. 

"My son! My son! Someone go get the King! He should be here!" She said as Red got off of his horse, she had her arms open like she expected him to just hug her. 

"Why did you leave me in the woods?" Red crossed his arms over his chest, denying her a hug. 

"Look Honey, I know--" 

"Honey? My name is Red," 

"Red? Red is a color, not a name," 

"My name is Red," He repeated stubbornly. 

"Young man, that is no way to treat your own mother, after all this time--" The King's voice filled Red's ears. His father had brown hair and golden irises, which still didn't explain Red's crimson eye. 

"All this time of being alone with no family? You weren't there, I have more reason to treat nature as my mother than I do to this woman that I've never met before," He growled. 

"Give the boy some space," A voice called, "He's out of his element, he's not used to other people, he's used to hunting wolves, you can't blame him for being hostile," The voice belonged to a boy with white hair and one golden eye and one red eye. 

Red stared at the person who mirrored him in so many ways, he looked like an exact replica of Red. 

"Hello brother," 

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