Red Riding Hood: Chapter 2

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The next day Red was humming to himself while sewing the wolf's fur hide into a blanket, when four wolves entered the cave, growling viciously at him. Red pulled his blades out and quickly got to his feet. The first wolf leapt towards Red, and Red sliced through it's open mouth and out the back of it's head, killing it instantly. The others growled louder and circled him, looking for an opening to attack. Red left the space behind him open and sure enough one of the wolves attacked from behind, Red quickly swiveled around and stabbed it in the heart, tossing it's body from his blade as another wolf attacked his side, he cut open it's chest, sending it flying into a cave wall to bleed to death as the last wolf attacked from the front. 

'Dumb dogs...' Red thought as he slammed the wolf onto the floor with his arm before cutting the creatures head off. 

For the rest of the day Red let their hides dry in the sun while he removed all of their bones and hung them from trees around his home like trophies, as if daring anymore wolves to attack him. He kept the skulls in his cave, plucking out the teeth and using them as arrowheads. 

The wolves filled the night with their howls of agony for their missing brethren, Red ignored them as he always had and slept through the night without a problem.

The next day he had anticipated that more wolves would try to attack so he woke up early and sharpened his weapons, taking his bow and arrows into a clearing nearby and used the poisonous berries' juices to coat the arrowheads. After that he went back to the waterfall and showered, then ate breakfast. 

"Fay, no darling, those are poisonous," Red scolded the little cat that was sniffing his quiver full of deadly arrows. 

Fay groaned, but came over and sat in Red's lap anyway, licking his chin. Red smiled and nuzzled his cat. 

Just as he had predicted, a pack of 10 demon wolves surrounded his home, staring at the bones of their dead family and friends. Red pulled one of the wolves' skins onto his shoulders and his hood onto his head, grabbing his quiver of poison arrows and his bow and blades. 

He certainly looked like a hunter, hands covered in blood and a fur on his back; the wolves had not expected a human boy to be the death of five wolves in two days. While the creatures were still in shock, Red took the opportunity to shoot two wolves in the head with poison arrows. 

"Wolf Slayer!" One of the wolves called, "You are surrounded! You will pay for your crimes before the Alpha!" 

Red chuckled darkly, "Wolf Slayer, eh? That's one way to put it I suppose," 

"Are you listening to me?! You will die before the Alpha for killing our brethren!" 

"I don't really like the way 'Wolf Slayer' sounds, do me a favor and call me Red Riding Hood," Red said, still pretending to ignore the wolf who seemed to be in charge. 

"Red Riding Hood," The wolf growled, "You're coming with us," 

Red calculated how hard it would be to kill them all right here, and then he also calculated the difficulty of killing the Alpha; both chances were highly unlikely, but if he didn't do something about them they'd just keep trying to attack. 

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