iii. the outcasts

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➪ 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝕤𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕧𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕓𝕪 𝕕𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕕 𝕓𝕠𝕨𝕚𝕖

OPENING UP the doors to the diner style restaurant, Amanda was soon greeted by her uncle at the head of the counter. He grinned widely to embrace her immediately as she did the same. "Nice being able to see you more often now that you and your Dad moved here, " He mentioned, letting go to pinch her cheek jokingly.

Her father soon popped a head from the kitchen and Amanda chuckled under her breath at his messy appearance. "Want me to make you your usual then, sweetheart?"

"Yeah, I'm actually meeting a friend here so if I can just go take a seat?" She did so immediately with the expectation that the two of them would be snooping into her social affairs the second they had the chance.

"Glad you're already making friends Amy, shakes are on the house for when they get--" The door rang again at the entrance to reveal Marty McFly himself. Expecting to be introduced to a group of friends, Fletcher was surprised to see the young boy looking over to his daughter instantly. "Here?".

Marty slowly took off his headphones and laughed under his breath as he beamed in relief upon seeing her. "Hey, Amy," He told her and tilted his head in regards to the way her uncle and father were staring at him, "Did I miss something when I walked in by the way?"

"No, no not right now, please. Just— I'll get you your chocolate milkshake sit down." He gave her a smug grin and assumed from her rushed behavior that this meant the family were quick to make an assumption on who he was to her.

"As they should," Marty thought to himself as he knew how much high regards he had for his best friend. Obliging to the command without much of a fuss left Amanda to make her way over to her Uncle Turner already making the milkshakes. She grabbed both of them for him and her dad to look to her for some explanation.

Huffing under her breath she took the glasses with her and didn't give them the answers they were secretly hoping for. "Knew I should've gone somewhere else but no, I just had to have a milkshake." Neither of them said a word as they laughed under their breaths to assist other customers and leave Amanda to make her way back to a dazed looking Matty.

He took his milkshake from her as she dropped the strawberry at the edge of hers and soon popped it into her mouth. Marty was currently distracted by the burger shop they were now in. His friend hadn't exactly given him the entire story on why her family had a restaurant in Hill Valley to begin with, wondering if he hadn't opted on a cheaper take in food by heading to the Burger King that was closer to an acquaintance of his that the two of them might've met sooner. "So your dad's family owns the place?"

"Well, they own the land technically and used to run the Bluebird motel here in the 50's. Then a tattoo parlor paid rent for the land after the motel lost some business and—" He simply cocked a brow to Amanda rambling and she slowly shut her mouth to stop the long winded tale she was making. "My uncle does a lot of the business for the place now after my grandparents passed and he asked my dad to come out here to help him out with the menu and all; guess it is family owned, yea."

He flicked a knowing finger to her and she couldn't help to laugh at the sight of him. "My parents are as boring as can be, so this seems like quite the step up to me." He sighed deeply in content. "Plus this milkshake is great, I can't get enough of it."

His household as a whole was less of the loving nature Amanda's seemed to have. Though he kept his own troubles separate from his social life didn't mean that he wasn't entirely affected by it. Even knowing Amanda's family wasn't a whole unit and she had no siblings to keep her company at home like he did, for better or worse, the way the family she did have cared enough to take notice to things meant a great deal to him.

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