@Jawhariy97's Interview!

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We welcome you to the fifth interview in The Rahma Awards! Introducing...

Jawhariy97 interviewed by HopeGossamer ! :)


Hope: Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!!

*waves excitedly*

This is HopeGossamer , here today with The Rahma Awards to interview the author of 'Requital', the book that won first place in the TRA SuperSelector Award in the #TRAGRAPHICS2018 Category. Everyone please welcome...

... Jawhariy97 !!!

*faces Juwayriyyah and attempts to blow party...mini trumpet...streamer....thing*

*gives up and claps instead*

Juwayriyyah, congratulations!!! How did you first feel when you saw the results?

Juwayriyyah: Wa 'Alaykumusalam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu. It's a pleasure to be interviewed by you.

*grins widely*

To be honest I wasn't the first one to see the results, my younger sister saw it first and informed me that Requital came out first in the Rahma awards.

I was shocked and ecstatic as this is my first award on Wattpad, I didn't even know that my book was nominated!

Hope: I'm not surprised though, Allahuma barik. Truth be told, I haven't read it yet, but it's now in my library, just waiting for me to be a bit free of deadlines... But the description is 👌

To branch off the topic a little, could you give us a brief introduction about yourself for those who didn't get the chance to read your very interesting bio? 😜

So name, age, place, nationality, DOB, you get the gist! ^_^

Juwayriyyah: Jazakumullahu Khairan, all good that we do and success that we achieve is solely and only with the help of Allah SWT.

😄I'm not normally an awkward person, but for some reason introducing myself is always awkward for me. Here goes!

My name is Juwayriyah Amir, I'm twenty one years old, born on the fourteenth of September 1997, the eldest sibling of three lovely sisters and one lovable brother, married, and a mummy to be In Shaa Allah💖.

Hope: Twenty one! Yesss, I got that right! *whispers* I was wondering why people have 97 in their usernames out of all numbers, and have come to realise that they end up being twenty one years old, so that's their birth year...!

*raises voice again*

Ooh, soon to be a mummy👶🚼?! Mabrook!! 🎊🎉

Juwayriyah: Yess soon to be a mummy Alhamdulillah. Half way through the nine month journey☺.

[Editor's Note ( writer_muslimah ): Awww, I guess you've given birth by now hehe :P May Allah bless you, your family and the baby and make him/her a righteous person whom you and Allah swt will be please with! Ameen! :) ]

Sorry for swaying off topic. Anyway, back to my introduction. I was born and brought up in South Africa. My father is from Pakistan and my mother's forefathers are from India.

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