Chapter four

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Waking up, Amaya looked outside the window. All of this was still weird to her. Even the fact that she remembers everything, but that's probably since this is a world Mai and Ai can visit.

She got ready and got out of the apartment to see if she's in the Academy, even if she knew that she was. Opening the map in her mind she headed towards the academy.

"Hello there, brat" a familiar voice said from behind making Amaya jump up

"Aaah! Ai?" She realized that it was just her friend

"Imagine what you're saying since.. ya know.. . No one else can hear or see me" Ai told the now five year old girl

'ok' Amaya thought 'oh myself! It worked?!'

"Yeah, it did. So whatcha doing?" Ai asked Amaya floating around her

'going to the academy'

"Oh. Nice, nice"

"Hey! You're the girl from yesterday" a familiar voice said

Amaya turned around to see Kakashi

"So you made friends huh?" Ai teased

'shut up' "Yeah. Kakashi, right?"

"Bipolar much?" Ai started laughing

"Yeah. So are you going to the Academy?" He asked

"Yup, I hope I made it" she chuckled

"Oh, you made a friend Kakashi?" His father asked

"Yes, this is Amaya" he introduced her to him

'we're friends?'

"Geez... This isn't going to end well. From his biography all his friends die.. except this Gai"

'and you're saying it like I don't know!'

"Nice to meet you" Amaya smiled warmly "oh! We're here"

Amaya scanned trough the list and smiled when she found her name


"Yeah, great news but I kinda need to go. The idiot is calling"

'oh. Ok'

Amaya and Ai bit each other farewell and when she disappeared Amaya came to the conclusion
'They both call each other stupid..Who is the stupid one?'

Kakashi came

"I got in" he told her with a bored tone to which she smiled brightly

"Looks like we'll be going together" she told him

They started to go back but she heard someone crying

"It's not here! My name is not on the list!" The person said in between sobs

"Hey, who's that?" She asked Kakashi but he just shrugged his shoulders

"Let's go" he said as he started walking away to which Amaya just followed him

~Time skip~

Amaya was walking around with Kakashi since she had nothing to do and he was outside walking.. So they heard some grunting and punches? They went to see what's going on on and saw Gai getting beat up and the Chunin offending his father so Kakashi beat them up. What a change of events huh

Amaya went up to kid Gai and started healing him. She didn't know she could do that but hey, she was a god after all

"You okay?" She asked him to which he just nodded

"I can't believe you couldn't land a single punch after what they said about your father" Kakashi told Gai and literally walked away with his father

"Don't listen to him" Amaya said making him turn around to face her
"Anyway I'm Amaya"

"I'm Gai" he introduced himself following her example

"I've got to go, bye" Amaya said and ran to her apartment.

Even if she was literally a god she was afraid of the dark. Walking back she was deep in thought, she was wondering what was she supposed to do to 'change the thing they can't themselves'

Sighing she got into the apartment and made dinner.

After eating she started making a list

'I've befriended Gai Soo'

1. Befriend Gai Maito

'I need to find out why I'm here'

2. Find out what to change


3. Save Obito

'What else? Maybe save Rin?'

4. Save Rin

'Oh I can'

5. Stay close friends with Kakashi

'It could help in the future'

'So now I need to figure out what to make to be my kekkai genkai so it won't be suspicious how a civilian girl is so strong. What should it be? I can make a release'

'Now what kind of release? Maybe Diamond release? Diamond is pretty strong and can be cut with diamond only.'

'Yes I've got it'

6. Make diamond release my kekkai genkai

She was satisfied with the list and went to bed

Do you like it?
Sorry if it's weird
Sorry for not updating for a while

Anyway bye-bye

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