The begining

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"Jenny I don't know how I'm going to tell him,"
"Tell him what Tho"
"That I'm pregnant.."
"No shit !"
"I swear to you, I took three tests. I don't know what to do" I begin to sob
"Hey, hey Clair it will be ok I promise Jamie will be supportive and you both are totally ready who cares you to have only been together like 8 months. He loves you. Clair everything will be okay"


"Jamie I have to tell you something"

"Sure, what's up babe?" Jamie asked pressing me against the wall with a sexy grin and grasping my ass "no" I say pushing him away " this is serious"
"Ok" he says with a cheeky grin

"ok I understand if you aren't ok with this but I'm pregnant..."
I say. And let a tear slip out. A I was t sure how he felt  he looked back up to me. He backed away "I uh I gotta go.." he said to grab his keys and leave "if you leave now I won't be here when you come back" I scream in tears he stood and looks at me " I need to think" he said and left

I'm currently 3 months pregnant. I'm going to the stars game I haven't been to one in a while and not going to lie I miss Jamie so much

I have been in LA the past few days working on a movie I'm an actor.
But not really. I dance and there is documentary on our studio. I'm in it.

I changed my phone number and shit. I still talk to tyler alittle bit but I try to block Jamie out of my life for a bit. I haven't seen or talked to him since that night two months ago. He tried to call and text several times I feel so bad for not calling back but it's what I had to do. He didn't want this. What did he think that I wanted it ?!!??

Tyler knows I'm coming to the game he got me tickets I miss him a lot we are so close.

At the game
I get to my seats just in Time for the warm up
Tyler comes speeding down the ice and everyone. Last person off was Jamie benn he looks sad and miserable and not him. I haven't watched a game since I left so this is hard to watch. Had he been like this since ? I herd he took a leave and told the media he was hurt we all know he wasn't. I feel terrible this is all my fault I'm ruining his career. I snap out of my thought when a puck slams into the boards right in front of me. It was ty. I looked up and smiled. I waved to him and he gave me a silly look.

The stars continued warming up. I noticed Jamie stayed on the other half of there side of the ice he shot a couple pucks. He got used to the ice and started joking around with ty. It made me feel like he was being himself again. He made a lap
And then another
Finally slowing down to admire the crowd and read some signs. There was a little boy beside me with his dad he had a little sign that read

It's my birthday and all I want  is a wave from number 14!!

I smile. But Jamie came over I began to panic
He looks around for maybe the boys parents but his dad is sitting right beside me. I smile at how cute this sight is and his eyes meet mine. He's thinks twice at somthing. Weather I'm his mom or the girl he knocked up 3 months ago. I change I guess you could say. This is me now.

This was me before

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This was me before

I guess you could say I've matured

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I guess you could say I've matured. When I met Jamie I was 18 we had been friends for quite awhile. I'm the same age as Tyler. I guess around a year ago we decided the best thing for us was to be together because that's what we wanted. I had always had a crush on Jamie but I didn't want him to find out I was friends with his sister before him. And his brother jordie is like my big brother. This was Jamie when I met him

 This was Jamie when I met him

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And this is Jamie now ....

And this is Jamie now

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Hot right !

Maybe he didn't recognize me. But he stared for a while and soon enough a grin appeared onto his face.

That's the Jamie I remember. Always smiling.

He gave the little boy his stick and before he skated a wave waved to him and winked at me.

The little boys dad turned to face me "woah do you know him"

"Who" I question

"Jamie benn"

"Shhhh, sorta we know each other im
best friends with his sister and we went out."

"Oh my gosh that's amazing. What's your name ?

I say and watch the rest of the boys exit the ice. They turned a preview on the big screen and I was admiring everyone. But mostly when they showed Jamie. He just gave me that little spark where I just flare up when ever I see him


The crowd cheered loud and across the stars arena was full of cheers. They had played the anthems and the game had been under way with in minutes.

Jamie bennWhere stories live. Discover now