Little bit of everything

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It's been about a month since the incident with Evander and Jamie and I are back together. We moved into his house and sold my apartment. Jamie and I decided together that we will parent this baby and give it an amazing life. We put aside both issues and want to live our life together


I want to spend the rest of my life with Clair. I want her to be my wife. I want her, I love her. She is the most beautiful girl in the world and she will be an amazing mother. I'm just not sure if I should ask her after the baby is born because it's a lot of stress planning a wedding and I don't want her to stress while she is making our baby

We have a game tonight and Clair and I decided that we are going to tell all of Dallas that we are having a baby! We are playing the oilers, so Connor will be in town, so we chose tonight to tell everyone, my family is also in town so it's the perfect opportunity!

"Hey Clair?" I call from the bedroom

"In the porch babe" I hear her yell

I chuckle to myself

"So I was thinking we could talk to the staff and get it all planned out for before the game instead of after! Like put something together that will play on the jumbo screen and then the carpet will be out and I'll skate up and you'll walk out! Everything will be great" I ramble

"Jams, you can calm down hun! Everything will turn out just fine. The key is to not worry about it too much. But baby don't you think your going into a lot more detail then is should be?" She says placing her arms around me

Maybe she's right, I'm really over doing this....

"Ya, babe your right. I'm sorry I'm doing so much for this. I'm just really happy and want everyone to know"

I place a kiss on her forehead

"Your too cute" she smiles and laughs poking my nose

I then think about the thing she loves most. I bend down and lift up her shirt. I place my hands on either sides of her stomach and begin to talk

"Hello in there!" I softly say

"This is your daddy speaking, did you know I love your momma? And tonight we're going to tell the world about you! I'm so excited, and I know your momma is too! Papa and nana are coming and your uncle Connor and grandma m and grandpa m will be there. It's going to be amazing. Baby Benn I can't wait till your here. Your so loved, till next time, I love you."

I layed a sweet kiss on the button of Clair's belly and felt somthing hit my face.

I look up to see Clair wiping tears away

"Baby don't cry" I say standing to her hight again

"I'm so in love with u it's insane, and ur so good to me and this little thing. I could never- *cries* have, asked *sniffels* for- a..anything more than this" she finishes and I lifter her up

" your the best thing that has every happened to me, I'll never let anything bad ever happen to you, I love you Clair mcdavid, and I love you little Benn"

With that I kiss Clair and we walk upstairs to get ready for tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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