Jamie to the rescue

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-------Jamie's point of veiw ---------

i got in my car and started to drive but i didnt have the energy.

this is all happening because of me, if i never left clair this would have never happened.

who knows what going on right now, she could be be dead who knows what evander is even doing to her right now?! that got me going just the thought of what could be happening pushed me to get to clairs even faster, i'm going to fucking kill him, she is pregnant with my baby! im so stupid, how could i just let her walk right out of my life like that oh my god! what have i done...

"clair, FUCK!? CLAIR please calm down"

i could hear evander scream over the phone

"clair its okay im almost there, im at the four seasons sign at the end of your street," i whispered through the phone hopeing she herd me,

"jamie please," she cried

my heart broke everytime i saw her shed a tear, this is worse she is screaming and crying over the phone and im not with her right now helping her. its breaking me...

clairs point of view

"evander you need to leave, YOU NEED TO LEAVE NOW" i screamed.

"why" he said calmly ehich was suprising.

"evander you have to go, please" i said through a sob

"look im so so sorry can we just talk, i dont know what got into me back there and im so sorry, are you alright!"

who the frick did he think he was trying to act all normal and talk about things after what jjust happened, thats rediculous!

"no evander go, because jamie is on his way and if your here when he gets here you wont live to see another day, you hurt me and my baby, his baby, and you will live to regret it. get the FUCK out of my house please..."

"oh ya sir jamie to the rescue right? llike hes your hero" he scoffed and walked off, im assuming to leave, hopefully...

i herd the door open and close so i had assumed i was safe.

i exited the bathroom and went to change because i felt so gross, wiping away all my tears and gross face full of smeared makeup i had to look somewhat presentible, i put on some sweats and a hoodie.

i grabbed a water and walked to the livving room and cleaned the couch it just huanted me looking in that direction but it had to be done, no body wants to sit on that, i dont ever want to sit on that i need to throw it away.

-jamie point of veiw-

i had gotten to the end of her drivway when a car had just pulled out and drove away, it was a rental so had to have been evanders.

aproching her door i knocked and she opened.

i was quickly embrassed in a warm hug, she was despret. i hadent hugged her in forever! it felt so good, i could feel her bump which made a smile appear on my face. that was my baby in there, my baby she was carrying and providing for, i suddenly got sad but this wasnt about me, it was about her....

"hey hun, are you okay?" i questioned and she looked up at me, i wasnt sure if that was the right thing to say but what even was i supposed to say in this situation, i guess she didnt want to talk about it but we had to, this isnt the kinda thing you can just brush off your shoulder....i mean like she had just been technically sexual assulted but i dont know if he had givin him consent.

"i dont know, at first when it all happened i felt like so stupid and it was my fault but its not a big deal, and its not like it hasent happened before..." she explained WHAT did she mean by that

"what do you mean by that" i asked worried

"i was payed off not to talk about it"

"WHAT!!!" i was freaking out, how come i cant know about this, and why wont she tell me, why havent she told me? i am so worried about her

"babe please talk to me about this. this is so seriouse, does your family know?" i questioned

"yes! obviously they know, and my brother sure as hell knows..."

what did that mean? what was she saying, did they know him? was it someone connor was close with ? like a team mate? oh my gawd!

"clair babe was it one of connors friends? like maybe even a team mate ?" i questioned and she looked away, i placed my hand gently on her thigh and rubbed circles with my thumb "i was payed to keep quite so that whatever had happened didnt ruin his rep, like there couldnt be a trial, no one could testify and i was to never been spoke about again, and when i am around him i had to act as normal as possible. connor and him are still friends, they always will be but like when it first happened no one really belived me and then when i was payed off i couldnt even take a rape kit to prove it. connor hadn't trusted him for the longest time, but iguess as time passed they put it behind them." she explained, who was it tho? it had to have been someone connor was close with and it was a teammate, i just had that feeling,

" was it a team mate?" i questioned quietly

"huh? oh, uh....." that had let me to belive even more it was someone on his team, maybe some one i even knew

"babe do i know him?" she looked away and wiped her eyes, as in she was trying to fight back her tears.

"look i know you dont want to talk about it but this is important, its important to me i know what happened to you, and to me its important i know who it is." i slipped my arm around her pulling her close

"jamie i cant tell you because i know next chance you have you would get ahold of him and hell you'd kill him for all i know!" she looked at me in a way i usually dont see her

" ya maybe i would but thats because what ever happened to you is not right and i cant live with knowing this had happened more than once" i said

she looked at me again because she knew i was serious.

"if i tell you promise we will never talk about it again?" she questioned, a warm smile placed on my face i nodded "i promise" i said and took her hand

"it was taylor, hall...... connor and i had a party and my parents were away, i was with my friends and i had gone outside to the hot tube when i noticed someone else on there so i went back into the house and taylor came inside and followed me to my room, we hung out a bit and talked, we drank and then he forced himself on me, i had said no and asked for him to stop but he just kept going and there was nothing i could do, after that night i told connor and he was in one of his moods and got mad and wondered why i said that and he said i probably wanted it, i told my parents and they delt with it. but not really because we were just payed to keep quite..." i had felt sick after hearing what she said! i couldn't believe it. how could this happen to her, and why was it not stopped, or why was it not delt with he deserves nothing he is a- "jamie?" i was snapped out of my thoughts when she tapped me and i just hugged her, this poor girl had gone through so much and part of that was because of me and i want that to change, i need that to change i can not let anything else happen to the women i love.

"i love you, clair please be with me, stay with me i need you and i want to protect you, i love you please be my girlfriend, again!" she kissed me long and passiontly "yes" she mumbled into the kiss.

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