Chapter 2 - Hell Breaks Loose

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This Isn't Okay - Y/n's POV

Dad had left me in the tent to go out hunting as this was usual for his routine,  I went back to sleep as I wanted to continue the dream I had. 

"I won't abandon you, never."




I woke up in a cold sweat, tears rolled down my face as I forgot where I was. I tried to remember what happened last, which seemed to be my dream.

I remember a boy... With long curly brown hair, we were huddled up in a corner as we held each other close.

Everything else was a complete blur. I looked around the orange tent as I now remembered that we were camping outside of town.

I stood up as I was now getting dressed and picking out the clothes that Sophia's mother had given me to wear.

I turned from the entrance of the tent and tried to get dressed while on my knees from the fact the tent was so short. Falling over and landing on my bad side.

"Y/n are you okay?" A familiar voice asked outside the tent.

"Uh uh, y-yeah I'll be out quickly Carl." I said as I pushed myself off of the ground seeing blood drip onto the sleeping bag. 

"Carl, can you get Lori first, I need help with my bandages." I said. "Yeah be right back." He said as he ran off.

Lori came into the tent as she brought new bandages.

"I-I think Sophia's clothes are too small..." I said embarrassed. She only chuckled as she changed my bandages as she went to grab some clothes that would possibly fit me.

I waited patiently as I was sitting within the tent. She returned with some plain colored clothes. I smiled, I like less colorful clothes.

"Carl can't fit these anymore so you can have them." She said as she handed me a green t-shirt. I put them on quickly before going out of tent into the outside world. Dad had just finished his hunting as he approached me.

"We can talk later kiddo." He said as he ruffled my hair up. I smiled. "Okay." I said as I went to go and play with Carl.

I could feel someone's eyes on me, I looked around to see Lori and Rick looking at me with gentle smiles. I waved to them as they waved back. I then went back to the lake which seemed peaceful.

I couldn't find anything that signaled that Carl was here. In fact, nobody was here.

I looked around for a while before I heard rustling in the bushes next to me.

I was suddenly tackled I felt my heart drop as one of the dead started to claw at my face.

I screamed as I pushed it off of me and grabbed a rock, I tried to use it to kill it. I looked for my pistol which I couldn't find.

I grabbed one of the biggest rocks I could lift and dropped it on its head. It's body twitched and slowly stopped moving.

I felt my adrenaline start up at I felt tears slide down my face...

It was mom...

My hands were shaking as I started to feel my surroundings become dizzy.

I felt arms wrap around me, which I didn't know what to do as I was hyperventilating.

"I-I'm so-sorry..." I hiccuped. I started to hug whomever was hugging me back. I rested my head on their shoulder as I felt tired.

I started to think or have flashbacks of the crash yesterday...

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