the bond

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I'm kind of suprised that Ricky decided to accepted my friendship. It was a long shot and I honestly didn't think he could do it. Somewhere inside my thought that maybe he was planning something, but I tried to pushed it back.

School was actually kinda of fun. I had a few classes with Carmella since the schedule change and we have become pretty close friends. There is just one problem. London Clarks.

In the few weeks I've been here I came to realisation that she runs the school. Every girl wanted to be her and her friend. Well with the exception of me. If I was ever anything like her I'd hate myself. The only time I see her smile is when she is messing with some innocent girl. Sadly for me I am one of those sad girls. However like the other ones, I was not going to take it.

I was just walking down the hallway with Carmella and out of nowhere she shoved me into the lockers. And when I looked up she was talking to Carmella as if it had never happened.

I got up. "Hey London."

She rolled her eyes and looked down at me. "You know. It is very rude to interuped someone." Then she smirked. "But I guess a closet case like you wouldn't know anything abour manners."

"Are you fucking kidding mean. You have to be the rudest person in the entire school."

"Oh really how do you figure that? I bet you can't name anything I did wrong." All this time Carmella just stood there as usual. I think it's because she is one of the few girls that London talks to.

"Last week you slapped a girl because you bumped into her while she was tying her shoe."

"Well why the fuck was she doing such a thing in the middle of my hallway."

Our voices kept get louder drawing a crowd. "It's not your hallway and she wasn't doing anything wrong. I'm pretty sure everyone would agree that you were wrong if they could actually speak for themselves."

"What are you talking about everyone at this school loves me. Unlike you. Nobody here wants you or your freaking rainbow hair. So stop acting like what you say matter because it doesn't."

I hadn't realised but we were practically in eachother faces. "You know what I may not have many friends but atleast I treat them like friends. You treat yours like fucking lackies."

She turned to look at Carmella who was just looking at the floor. Then suddenly she looked up with a huge smile "Hey you guys. You know who likes to get fisted."

I backed away from London and gave her a small smile while London looked annoyed. "What?" She was trying to change the subject and I was ok with that. Plus I wanted to hear the punch line.

Her smile grew wider. "Sock puppets" she opened her mouth for a reaction. Along with me a few people laughed. Others just seemed confused by her sudden joke including London.

"Whatever. I'll talk to you later Car." Them London walked away with a few friends.

She turned to me with guitly eyes. "I'm sorry. I really should have said something."

"Look it's ok." I put a hand on her shoulder. "Plus I loved your joke. " She started laughing. "I mean it was so clever and just amazing."

"Shut up." She lightly elbowed me in the chest. Then her eyes grew wide. "We have to get to class" She grabbed my hand and took off. We managed to make to bell. It was third period so we had AP Phyics.

"Ok eveyone quiet down and lets get started. Now today we are going to discuss the speed of light...." I usually drift away in class. My mind starts to go into its own little world where everything is so interesting.

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