Chapter 1: Any news about upcoming parties!

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"Ahh.." I turn over with that wonderful feeling of a new day settling in my stomach. Not. I reach over and grab my phone with a loud groan, to check the time, 7:00, an hour till school starts.

I stand up from my bed and wiggle my toes in my blue shag rug and stretching out with a yawn. Standing in front of the mirror I take in my 5'4 frame, soft waist-length caramel blonde hair, weirdly long pale toned legs and warm blue eyes with a slight smile. I start my routine off with one compliment, something my counsellor advised me to start doing.

"Your hair looks beautifully soft this morning Georgia!" I smile warmly at my self, only to cringe a little at how weird that was. Laughing to myself I turn at the sound of barking to see my little angel.

"And so does yours Happy boy!" I giggle at the small black and white Maltese x Jack Russell. Happy continues to bark whilst running out my door. After begrudgingly putting on my uniform and finishing up my hair with the required maroon ribbon I walk out of my ensuite to see my younger sister seated on my bed with a small pout. She is small, about a head small than me with a wavy bob of brown locks, bright mesmerising green eyes and the most adorable cubby cheeks.

"Good morning Jaelyn, what's wrong bubs?" I say softly, patting her head. She looks up holding out a hairbrush, ribbon and hair tie. "I don't know how to do it" she grumbles, I laugh at her frustration. "Don't worry Jay when I was in grade 7 I couldn't do it either, mum did it for me." I comfort which resulted in her giggles.

Once I was done she ran out of the room to wake Jordyn while I made us breakfast. Coffee and vegemite toast for me, orange juice and scrambled eggs for Jay and for Jordy, a latte and granola. Once I'm finished the two girls walk through the door with mum racing behind them. The girls sit down with a thanks and dig in as mum kisses our cheeks and races to work.

Jordyn starts a conversation with us about her med-lab Uni course and I take the time to look at my sisters and I. Jordy's hair colour is a happy medium of mine and Jay's, and is shoulder length, and her eyes are gorgeous hazel. She is shorter than me, despite being two years my senior and tanned. She pushes her glasses up her nose as the conversation has flipped to Jay's recent art piece she is working on.

Jay looks up from her phone telling us it's time to go. Jordy pick up the dishes as we head with our bags to her car. We make it to school and kiss Jordy's cheek in goodbye and turn to walk into school. It is my first year in senior school and the excitement of year ten is rolling off of me in waves. Jaelyn on the other hand looks like she might pass out.

"Hey babe, it's only high school, year seven wasn't that bad, Jordy and I made it out alright." I whisper, she sends me a crazy look and I pout back resulting in her giggles. "Alright Georgie this is my Form class see ya, have a nice first day." She hugs me good bye and runs off to her friends.

I walk around the corner only to be tackled into an embrace. A loud squeal attack my ear drums as the sent of cookies gave away my attacker. "APRIL GET OFF ME!" I laugh, looking down at her ruffled white blonde hair while she continues to happy squeal. "But I missed you so much!" She giggles, adjusting her glasses and looks up at me with her calming soft blue eyes. Eventually we are standing upright and laughing at my best friends eagerness. She is just taller than me and has shoulder length hair and fair freckled skin.

"Hey bitches! Any news about upcoming parties?" A new voice joins the conversation starling us both. Our best friend Laura was here at last quite the surprise actually as it is way to early for her standards. She stands at my height with long dark hair and cool brown eyes. She is the ruff-tuff one out of us three but secretly a big softie.

"Yes actually there are a few I was to-" April is quick to start a conversation as I scan the crowds of our school. Same old same old, I think as we head to Form. I watch the kids I spent middle school with thinking of all the shit they can come up with as seniors.

I'm not really sure what this year will bring but I am willing to find out.

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P.S I haven't got a good cover so if you would like to submit one I would be happy to display your talents to the wattpad world thanks laters xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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