IM Thirsty

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heyy. random question - who ships ziam? you know, i am a hard core larry shipper and i will literally fight with you until the end of time if you try to change that but like. i don't ship ziam. i just. do not. i'm sorry. i don't really ship zerrie either, i mean, i don't really focus on either too much but i do think that zayn and perrie are genuinely together. i kinda have a niam thing though idek i don't ship it but i don't don't ship it my life is too complicated for this shit

"Things were all good yesterday, and then the devil took your memory, and if you fell to your death today-"

"Harry, please stop singing; you're giving me a headache," Zayn whines from somewhere. 

"-I hope that heaven is your resting place, I heard the doctors put your chest in pain-"


"-But then, that could have been the medicine, and now you're lying in the bed again, but either way I'll cry with the rest of them-"

Harry's singing finally is muted with a loud oomph, and Louis guesses that Zayn has thrown a pillow at him but he's too focused on beating this particular level of Mario Kart to care. Liam is beating him at the moment, and really, it's not okay.

It's about ten in the morning and everyone is awake with the exception of Niall. Zayn is still complaining and whining about everything from the way the tour bus is moving to the way the oxygen feels in his lungs; Louis didn't even know it was possible to be so dramatic. 

"I've got you now, Payne," Louis warns and just as he accelerates past Liam's vehicle, Liam swiftly slams into him from the side, pushing Louis off the road and into some mud. Aghast, Louis lets out a cry of frustration before he throws his controller at Liam. It hits him in the arm,  but he continues to victory with nothing but a wince. Liam's whoops of celebration are drowned out by Louis groaning.

"Two to zero, want to try again?" Liam asks and Louis pretends to have lost his hearing, slumping down in his seat on the sofa when Harry comes to sit next to him.

"I'll play, Li," Harry says happily and beams at Louis even though he's glaring at the floor and plotting Liam's death and or mysterious disappearance. "Lou, turn that frown upside down. Chin up."

Harry tuts at Louis like an old woman, he thinks, but he sits up and glares at Harry instead. Harry pokes his nose and Louis scrunches it up, turning away from Harry and crossing his arms in a pout. Harry's foot continues to nudge at Louis' leg throughout the entire race and when Liam wins yet again Harry is actually fucking congratulating him.

"What've you done to the game, huh? What've you rigged it with? Some sort of spy-ware designed especially for Mario Kart or some shit, is there someone behind that door watching us-" Louis begins to rant.

"It's all in the wrist, Lou," Liam smirks, flailing his hand around like a bloody idiot - Louis guesses that's supposed to be a demonstration of some sort.

"Liam, I want a cig," Zayn complains. "It's too hot in here, it's always too fucking hot in here. Cool if I go stark?"

"No, gross," Louis provides.

"Aren't you supposed to be gay, Lou?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I want to see you walking around naked all day-"

"I'm not getting you a cigarette, Zayn. Niall has asthma, you know this; last time you smoked one on the bus he had a hard time, we had to open all the windows," Liam answers politely and Louis wishes he had pushed Liam out of one of those windows.

"Niall smoked once-"

"Not tobacco."

"Fine, fuck you," Zayn moans, tossing and turning so much that he actually falls out of his bunk. Louis stifles a laugh in his hand and Harry immediately rushes over to help him up. Niall appears from around the corner, hair a mess and eyes red from sleep.

"Can we have sausage today?" he asks no one in particular, swaying on the spot before sitting down on the arm of the chair Liam was sat in. "What time 's it?"

Louis takes the opportunity to push Niall over as he's walking by to get a bottle of water; Niall just falls limply onto Liam and closes his eyes again, muttering something about Louis being a wanker. Liam sighs heavily. 

Harry has apparently helped Zayn back into bed because Louis feels a hand run down his back, sending chills up his spine as he digs around in the fridge for some water. Harry's palm presses lightly against the small of his back as he looks, he feels curls tickle the side of his neck and suddenly Harry's head is pressed against Louis.

"What exactly are you doing?" Louis grunts. Harry smirks cheekily, dimples popping out just the way Louis loves.



"Some lemonade."

"Don't think we have any of that, Haz," Louis shrugs and Harry gently pushes Louis away with a reassuring look before he pushes a few things aside and pulls out a small can of - well, Louis will be damned - lemonade.

"Couldn't have waited 'til I was done to take what you needed?" Louis blurts, and Harry splutters on his drink a little at the same time Louis realizes how terribly suggestive that question had been. "Uh. Was there any water in there?"

"Why, you thirsty for something?" Harry asks instead. Louis sees the glint of mischief in those green irises.

"Yeah," he nods, exhaling deeply when Harry takes another drink of his lemonade.

"So am I."

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