Chapter 21: Dipper's Past {Part 2}

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[Your POV]
You looked at Dipper with expectant eyes when he agreed.

He averted his eyes and looked down at his hands, "What he told you was true, I, We, have Dissociative Identity Disorder. I am just an alternate state of consciousness, this," he gestured to himself, "isn't what I look like."

"I guess I'll start at the very beginning when the first split happened, when the first alter was formed. His name was Tyrone."


That's when it all begins, when he pushed his one and only son beyond all limits. I came into existence. I was more than a figment of wild imagination, but less than a soul, an armour. That was it, my sole purpose was to bear all the pain, the blood, the tears, the hurt so others won't have to go through the same thing.

I was young when I split off, 8 years old, possibly younger. Back then, I knew nothing much, I didn't even have a name. All I knew was that the pain never stopped, it never did and never would.

Somehow, it did stop for a while, a short moment. I came to upon a white hospital bed, in soft cotton clothes. I felt free yet trapped, my body stuck in casts.

"Oh, Mason! You're awake," I could never forget those words, it was obviously feminine. The bright light dazzled me, my eyes couldn't adjust to the brightness.

"How are you feeling? Any distinct pain or discomfort?"

I glanced in the direction of the voice, I could only make out a blurred figure. Suddenly, the face became focused, his face.

I see him everywhere, the nurses or doctors that enter or exit, in the mirror, through every window. I didn't feel safe, no matter how many times I was told that he was locked up in prison and would be kept far away from me.

He will return...I know he will...

All the nice things, the food, clean clothes, an actual bed, they're all traps. Even if they aren't him, they have to want something from me, right? No one is that nice.

The memories came back, I could no longer control them. Every time I thought I was fine, I was dragged back into the past.

I will never escape him...


Growing up, I never really knew what was happening. It always felt like I wasn't really the only one in my body.

I would always black out at intervals only "wake up" and see a little boy sitting in the corner of a dirty and dark place. Whenever I see him, he always seemed a little more injured, a little closer to death. The most curious thing was...he was me.

I hated the feeling, I felt hopeless, confused. I had no idea why I was here, neither do I know how to get out. Luckily, I never had to answer those questions because soon after, I found myself in a white hospital bed of sorts.

I did not know anyone there but everyone there all seemed so nice to me. Like the parents I never had.

They'll use you.

Whenever I'm sick or hurt, they will tend to my needs. They made sure I was well-fed, comfortable and happy. I could never ask for anything more.

Don't trust them.

However, there was always a voice at the back of my head. It'll warn me time and again to run away from them.

They'll hurt you one day, you know what happened before.

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