Chapter Nine-I Can Love You More Than This

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Today is my last day with Charlotte, before I go back to Holmes Chapel with my family. I am finally going to take the balls to do it. I am gonna ask Charlotte out on a date. Today will be just a day for us two to enjoy. 

I opened my eyes to a bright light coming from the window and the smell of pancakes filling my nostrils. And last of all, I looked over to the door, seeing a special someone. 

"Rise and Shine, Sleeping Beauty." Charlotte said, winking. She looked adorable in her orange pajama bottoms and top that said "SUGAR SWEET YOU CANT COMPETE" and her long, flowing waves reaching her hip. 

I smiled, as I climbed out of bed, and made my way to peck her lips. 

"Morning, beautiful." I said, examining her. 

"Want pancakes? I have been up since 9:00 this morning making them." She said.

"Sure, you didn't have to get up that early you know. But thats very thoughtful of you, babe." I said, walking into the kitchen with her. She served me some pancakes, and did the same for herself, and we sat down in front of the telly and watched some old tapes of Charlotte when she was about 1 year old. 

"Look how cute you were. And still are to me." I said, cheekily.  She leaned in and gave me a small peck on the cheek and looked down at her plate, and continued eating. 

Her tape finished, and now it was my turn to put in a tape in the cassette. 

"YOUR TURN NOW!" She exclaimed. She walked to the cassette player and took her cassette out, and putting mine in. 

I was about 4 years old in my cassette, and my mom was filming me trying on one of her bras. I know, weird. And Gemma was in the backround, watching The Lion King. Like she usually was. 

"AWWW! Harry! Look at you trying on your mother's bras!" She said, ever so merrily. 

I laughed and said "That's how I get the girls now. Started from an early age if you didn't tell." I said, cheekily. 

The tape ended, and I demanded that we watch "Love Actually." MY FAVORITE MOVIE. This girl can NOT deny to watching this movie. 

"No, let's just watch an action movie, because we all know what happens in those romance movies. One dumps the other, and then they get back together in the end." She said. WHO DOESN'T LOVE 'LOVE ACTUALLY'?!

"Just watch it. It isn't like that at all. If you like those chick flicks then you will definitely like this one." I said, putting on the cutest and most innocent face on. 


"Just watch it. It isn't like that at all. If you like those chick flicks then you will definitely like this one." He said, with the cutest face you would ever find. GAHH. WHY, WHY DOES HE HAVE TO DO THAT THING WITH THOSE EYES? WHY DOES HE GIVE ME THE INNOCENT CUTE LOOK? 

"Gahh. Fine." I said, giving in. I couldn't resist those eyes. 

"YES! Come over here, get comfortable." He said, patting a spot on the couch for me to sit. 

I walked over to the couch as he wrapped his hand around my waist, and laid a blanket over the both of us. 

"WAIT!" I shouted. 

When I saw your face, I fell in love~One Direction FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now