Character Form

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Character Form:


Nickname (if one):




Hair Color:

Hair texture (thin, thick, wavy, etc.):

Hair Length:

Eye color:

Something the eye color resembles (blue:Sapphire. Helps with visualization):

Tattoos (if any):

Birthmarks, beauty marks, or other features (if any):

Scars (if any):

+ If so, how did it happen:

Mothers Name:

Mothers age:

Fathers Name:

Fathers Age:

Are parents married, divorced, engaged, etc.:

Mothers occupation:

Fathers occupation:

Best Friend/s:

Person they are closest to and why:

City of Birth:


Country of birth:

Current hometown:

What happens when he/she gets angry:

Biggest fear(s):

Biggest Secret:

What's funny to them:

What's the one thing they hate:

Have they been in love:

+if so with whom:

Are they in a relationship:

+if so with whom:

+if so is s/he in love:

Allergies, disease, or illness:

Right or left handed:

What is their voice like/can they sing:

Do they play any sports:

Favorite word and phrase:

What do they keep in their pocket and/or purse:

Any quirks:


Any supernatural powers:

Role model:

Greatest achievement:

Greatest regret:

Have they ever been to jail:

Optimist or pessimist:

Favorite books, movie, TV show:

Do they lie a lot:

What one word would they use to describe themselves:

What one word would others use to describe them:

Most treasured possession:

A/N... Hey guys!! I hope this helps you better establish your characters. (:

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