
41 2 2

7th period.

"i hate mondays," i muttered, slipping into the cold seat of my chair after grabbing the calculator from the assigned number, fumbling with the ridges in it's structure. i closed my eyes, remembering the helpless look on every victim's face i've ever passed by, victims that had no say because their rights were limited due to the bullies hovering over their every move. but it seemed useless every time i told an adult anyway— they didn't do a thing.

so today, i took things into my own hands.

i flipped it over, revealing the computer like face of the math utensil that continuously blinked, letters disappearing and in barely a second reappearing once more. i tenderly touched my shoulder, the skin there bruised and sensitive due to the ugly violence that took place in the halls. my expression immediately softened at the message, the scowl long replaced with a soft and warm grin.

i punched in the words as they appeared in my mind, writing my reply, "okay;)thencallmeaphrodite."

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