Chapter 14

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Hehe my flight got delayed, it's on the 12th. So I decided to write, well I feel like writing so I hope y'all enjoy this update. sorry for the mistakes guys, it's like really late so yeah.


Every step was loud for him, every leaf crunching bellow his feat were no more fun to him, rather were just too annoying. Everything seemed dark, dead, bland. The joy he felt walking through the darkness, the love he had for the cold breeze caressing his skin, it was no longer there.

He could not feel that joy he used feel, the joy he felt when he walked through the cold starry night, when he enjoyed this loneliness, this quietness. But Now this quietness pained him, this loneliness poisoned him.

He rubbed his hands together, looking up the dark sky, he was once again sat on the same path, bellow the same street light, with the same painful sorrow rushing through his body. But just this time he couldn't feel it, his body was numb. He no more felt that severe pain, this time he didn't  wish to scream, he didn't want this pain to stop, he wanted this despair to kill him.

To Make him free from this feeling, this feeling that had his heart broken, this feeling that he could not even explain it to himself, this pain he never felt. This sorrow he never came across, this pain that had his insides screaming from only a rejection.

He would never wish this pain on his enemy, this rejection he prays no one will ever have to face. He never ever wants anyone to die as much he wants to now.

The blood flowing through his veins were just a reminder to him of how much of a useless thing he was, how much of a shame he was to his race, how disgusting he was. How ugly he was, how much of a burden he was.

He slowly brought his knees to his chest, hands shivering, he plucked his skin under his thumb. He brought his shaking hands to his face, just looking at them, how fat and gross they were.

A wave of pain stroke through his body, he clutched his black hair locks tightly, almost pulling them out. A broken sob rumbling through his closed lips, his eyes squeezed shut, he couldn't contemplate this feeling.

He wanted all of this to stop, he wanted to- to go back, way back. Way, way back, where he was protected, before he was scared, before he was humiliated, before he was labeled as the Ugly omega.

His nails scratched his scalp, his head throbbing now. A whimper leaving his trembling lips, a small sob following, and soon the street was filled with the roars of misery and cries. Those cries which were wild, filled with pain.

His body only ached one thing, and for once his heart, brain, body. His soul everything just begged for this scorching pain to end, this burning sensation, this anxiety that churned his every muscle, his whole being. He just wanted this to end, just wanted it to end.

His sobs came to a stop after much shouting, much curses, he now was laying down on the dirty concrete ground, it was rough and hard beneath him, but he definitely didn't feel the roughness and the uncomfortableness.

His breathing was calm, he was confused himself how can he be this calm after having a crazy breakdown just now. He obviously didn't wanted to think anything, so he didn't.

His cheeks felt hot and sticky, the dry tears felt dirty on his face, he felt his misery, his weak state. He hated it, he scorned his state.

His eyes were fixated on the dark sea of stars, he found them gorgeous, a way of escape. A small laugh left his mouth, and a quiet tear followed. How miserable he was right now, something he prayed he'll never face again, just this time he actually was at the peek, he almost fell off the peek, and maybe he did.

But he felt too drained now to think more about it, he just felt tired. He maybe laid there for more 15 minutes before he decided he should get going. While walking towards his pack he felt utterly relaxed, his thoughts were extremely, suspiciously to silent.

But he decided to enjoy, savor this peace until he had it. When he entered his pack's main hall, he would again say this again, this was not a fucking pack more like a five star hotel, but he actually felt blank no anxiety no nothing, how?

He felt the same he felt this morning, he felt extremely relaxed, something that's rare to him. Jungkook hung his head low, trying to shrink, he wanted to disappear. He felt like every eye was on him. But no one was looking at him.

He looked around, took a deep breath and continued to walk. He reached his elevator, and soon he was in front of his apartment.

Jungkook stood there for a second after getting ready for the scolding, he steadily brought his hand up and rung the bell three times.

After almost a minute the door swung open and there stood his jimin hyung, but jungkook was shocked to see his face not boiling for anger but he had a small, maybe sad smile onto his face.

"You're finally home, come in. Hoseok and I prepared dinner!" Jimin said with a happy tone, jungkook just nodded and stepped in.

"Let me freshen up" jungkook realized his voice sounded raspy and deep, almost cracking. Jimin nodded and went back in the kitchen.


Jimin waited for jungkook on the dining table, his feet tapping the wooden floor from the nervousness. "Jimin why don't I check on him, you stay here" hoseok spoke, jimin looked at him with wide eyes.

"I don't know hyung, he maybe wants some alone time" hoseok sighed, getting up from his seat. "I'm checking on him, just eat I'll bring him out." Jimin opened his mouth to answer but before he could hoseok walked away, and disappeared into jungkook's room.

Hoseok entered the room finding it empty.

"Jungkook. Kookie, jungkook" hoseok paused when he saw the balcony's door wide open, the cold breeze sounding loud like waves. He slowly walked towards the open door, he was sure jungkook was out there, these whole weeks, when jungkook was no where to be found he would be outside, cuddled up In a big blanket with hot chocolate clasped in his hands.

He smiled knowing jungkook was out there, but soon a wave of fear collided his gut, he felt nervous, extremely nervous. He felt scared on finding jungkook in a state he couldn't heal him. Hoseok took a deep breath and decided to stay strong and help his friend, for what ever it took.

Hoseok let out a loud gasp, when he saw jungkook trying to jump off the balcony, now he definitely didn't except this.



Short and shitty update but I'll post real soon, like real- real quick.
I'm sorry I'm still busy and sorry if it's bad, I'm awake at like 5am and writing this for you all, because I'm the worst, actually I'm shitty.
Sorry for the mistakes.
I hope you enjoyed.

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