Chapter Sixteen

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Jack was very tempted to go to the local electronic store, but he knew it would arise suspicion, so he forced himself to drive 70 miles to a town they had never been before.

He didn't waste any time. He paid for his purchases, and drove right back. He felt silly worrying, but he couldn't help himself. He would need to get a grip. Once they were back, he wouldn't be spending every minute of every day with her.

On the other hand, the thought of going home to his wife and child every night would carry him through his day. It amazed him how much his life changed in less than seven months. How on earth did he ever live without her?

His grin got wider as he made the turn on the familiar road. Soon he would be home, and he would cuddle to his wife. Or as much as he could with the little basketball between them. He chuckled. The ultrasound had showed them a perfect little baby. He/she was sucking his/her thumb when they took a peek. Baby already had his head down, but the doctor wasn't putting too much faith in it just yet. Baby could still summersault many times before adopting a final position, he'd warned Sue.

Still, the image of his baby had stayed in Jack's mind ever since. And he was just as anxious as Sue to hold their first born. Ten weeks, he mused.

He parked alongside the shed, noting the open doors. According to the radio, rain was in the forecast for tonight. He would need to remember to put the quad away.

He walked to the house, half expecting Levi to run towards him. As he approached he noticed the addition on the porch, and the forms lying on it.

"Where does that come from?" Jack asked, staring at them.

He wished he had a camera and could freeze the moment in time. Where the swing came from, he had no clue. At one point, Jack figured, Sue and Levi were probably rocking side by side. But slowly Sue must have drifted to sleep. She was lying down, her head resting over Levi, her breathing slow and regular. Her hands were wrapped around her belly, holding a book. The poor dog was curled up, not daring to move in order not to disturb her mistress. But his big brown eyes, turned toward Jack, were seeking assistance.

Jack picked up the book first. 10 000 baby names, reading the title. If they didn't find one they liked, they were in big trouble, smiling at the thought, as he set it aside.

"What has she done to you, boy?" he asked, patting Levi's head with empathy. "I leave you two alone for a few hours, and Sue turns you into a pillow? You should know that's my job." He gently wrapped his wife in his arms, trying not to wake her up. "Here you go, Levi."

As soon as he was free, Levi jumped down the swing and ran to the closest tree.

"What am I going to do with you?" He cradled her into his arms where she moaned softly. "Does that mean you missed me?" He placed a tender kiss on her forehead, and was delighted when she murmured his name. "I love you, sweetheart," he murmured, his chin brushing her hair.

Gently he rocked her, wondering where that swing came from, when he suddenly remembered seeing those cushions hanging in the shed. He never associated them with a swing until now. She couldn't have built it by herself... could she? It scared him to think that in fact she could have.

Levi came jumping back up, and curled into a ball.

"Good boy," Jack praised, freeing one hand to pat him.

He must have dozed off too, because when he opened his eyes Sue was smiling at him.

"I missed you, Jack."

Her hand moved inside his shirt, before her lips teased his. He deepened the kiss, basking in the warm sensations she awoke every time she touched him. He knew outside wasn't the appropriate place for intimacy but he couldn't resist sliding his hand under her top caressing the beautiful curves baby created.

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