Chapter Twenty

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Jack watched with hidden amusement as Sue wiped her hands on her thighs for the hundredth times since they entered her hometown. He had not seen her that nervous ever since... since...

If he were truthful, he would say never. Not that mentioning it would render Sue any calmer. He knew the relationship between mother and daughter was rocky. He just hoped their new son would help bridge the gap and not make it worse.

"Next left," she sighed deeply. "We should have phoned."

He reached for her hand, his thumb brushing softly over it.

They'd phoned a few days earlier, announcing their arrival for later in that evening or the next day. They never expected little R.T. to be such as good traveller.

"It will be a nice surprise for them, sweetheart," he reassured her, pulling in her parents' driveway around noon.

"Maybe they won't be there and we could go see your parents first," she said, though she was just as anxious about meeting Jack's parents.

"Too late." He gestured towards the front door, which opened to let her father run down the steps.

Jack smiled as her dad opened the passenger door for her, almost pulling her out, just to hug her fiercely.

"Thank you, Jack, for keeping my little girl safe," he thanked, his teary gaze meeting Jack's over the roof of the rental car.

"You're welcome, sir."

"You look great, darling. Love the new haircut," he complimented after releasing her.

"It used to be red," she chortled, wiping her tears.

"A redhead? That must have been a sight," he teased. "Come inside. Your mother should be back shortly. We can take care of the luggage later."

Jack opened the back door and an excited dog jump on the lawn.

"Levi! I forgot about you, boy," her dad said, ready to catch the dog.

"Dad?" Reaching for his arm, Sue stopped him in his track.

"Yes, dar--"

The words died in his throat as Jack pulled out a baby car seat and came to stand by Sue.

"A grandbaby?" he asked, hopeful, glancing from his daughter to Jack to finally settle on the baby.

"A grandson," announced Jack with pride.

"Oh My God. He looks just like you, darling." The new grandpa stroked the little fist. "Hi, little fellow. Your parents sure kept quiet about you." He playfully frowned at his children. "And how old is my new grandson?"

"Fifteen days," answered Sue.

"We wanted to share the news in--"

"Fifteen days? You mean I already missed fifteen days of his life," he grumbled, taking the car seat from Jack. "You come with grandpa, Tiger. You and I need to catch up."

Mr. Thomas walked carefully to the house, leaving astounded parents behind.


Stephen didn't get to hold his grandson nearly long enough.

Just as they were getting comfortable, the baby started crying for his next feeding. He got up from the rocking chair to deposit him in his mother's arms.

"You gave me the greatest gift, darling," he said, kissing her cheek.

That Jack was in love with his daughter was obvious. The young man only had eyes for her and the baby, as she cuddled in his embrace to nurse the little fellow.

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