
10 4 1

fuck shit fuck fuck fuck shit

A crooked grin on bloodred lips to match his bloodred nails, knuckles, palms. A coil chain of rusting silver bolted around his neck, his wrists, arms, chest, the sweat soaking the lock gleaming in the sunlight. His beautiful merciless hands wrapped around your neck, tracing your skin with slender fingers. His impossibly beautiful face, an oeuvre of the gods themselves.

holy shit fuck please please please

Tie me up with your locks and chains, take me on the desk, lick away my tears my blood my pain. Bite me then kiss me, whisper sweet nothings into my ear. Make me scream, make me beg, make me cry, make me break, then take these shattered scraps and piece them back together. And repeat.

need not want need not want gods above need not want need not want

Say you're sorry. For letting me want you. For letting me need you. For letting me love you. For this insatiable desire. For this prayer.

you're the only god i've ever known

the only faith i've ever had

hear me, my lord

hear me

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