☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁🌬 You were texting your friend for what felt like hours. You were getting kinda bored. BoRDie: Hey, my friends having a party tonight at his campus. Wanna come?
Y/n: I would love to actually, I'm hella bored.
BoRDie: K, but be prepared to getting hecking fuckeddd lmao.
As you walk to your closet you grab the first thing that catches your eyes.
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I'm so ready to get fuckedd up As you get your phone and wallet, you start to order an Uber. As you wait about 10 minutes the uber arrives. ----timeskip to party---- As you walk in, the music was blasting and cups are everywhere. You start to search for Bordie. "[Y/n] WERE OVER HERE!" Bordie screams from the other side of the dorm room. You awkwardly squeeze through some people as you make your way over to Bordie. "[Y/n] THIS IS CAM, ERIC(I know that's not his name, but its all I have), MASON, AND JAY" "HI?!" You reply to all of them waving at you. You noticed Eric was wearing a helmet. That's totally not weird As you slightly cringe, you go to grab a beer, Mason, and Eric following slightly behind you. You take a shot, no problem. All the guys around you, looked in awe. You just stare at them as you take another one. It went down easier than the first one. You asked for a beer and took a seat next to Bordie. "Yeet, I'm sawg sosl," Eric says completely drunk. You laugh at his slurred words. Eric takes off his helmet and takes his hand out for you to shake. Hes sooo different than I thought You thought he was the hottest guy in here. You take your hand to shake his. "Wannas weed?" You laughed again and nodded. Eric waves over someone and the person hands you a blunt. You inhaled for the longest time. Again. All the boys looked at you in awe. "Holy fuck shiz," Eric says, reacting to your puff of smoke escaping your lips. You did it again and more people crowded over. After what felt like hours being there, people started to leave the party. You were thinking of leaving yourself. You didn't want to leave by yourself because you didn't trust any Uber drivers at this point. You were wasted. You turned to Bordie, but she wasn't there. You took out your phone to text her but you realized you actually missed messages from her. BoRDie: Where are you?
BoRDie: Adios bro, Imma leave.
You sighed and turned to the only person you knew. Eric. "Can I go to your place? Im wasted." You said, just wanting company and nothing more. "Sure. Not the way I though I would end this night but ok." You sighed and laughed for a quick second as Eric grabs your hand and leads you outside. And you start to walk to his place. ✈ Nothing happened, it wasn't a one night stand, Y'all just smoked more and chatted. The night was amazing, or for what you could remember. ✈ ----timeskip to morning---- As you woke up on a gray couch, you groaned to the worst headache you've ever had. You looked at the time and wobbled to the door. "Mate where you going?" You were startled by Erics voice. "I have classes I need to go to." You say as to make up an apology. "Not looking like that?" He said You sighed and turned around to look at him. You sighed once more and rolled your red ass eyes. "At least give me your number." Your frown turned into a smile. You liked this guy. He was funny, sweet, and nice. You nodded and took out your phone. ✈ You guys are still dating to this point. You moved in with him and started your own youtube channel. You went to all the conventions with the gbg. You two were so happy together. ✈ 🌧🌧☁☁⛅⛅🌤🌤☀☀
P.s FITZ ONE GOING UP TONIGHT AFTER I EAT MUH FOODDD. ❤ much love from yemsno and her beef stew.