I Hate You Elena

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The doctor has just left my room and I see Elena walk in. Then Jer. Then Stephan. I look down. Damon's not here. Hear the door open again and Damon walks in. I cant help the smile the creeps onto my face.


I've spent the night here at the hospital and it's time to leave. Yesterday I convinced Elena and Jeremy that it's fine that Damon can take me home. I don't want them to miss out on school because of me.

I'm getting changed into my clothes. My head is throbbing. I place my hand on my neck and mutter a spell that mutes the pain.

I'm finally home. Damon helps me up the stairs. I don't needs his help but I like the feel of his hand on my back. I walk into my room and lie on my bed. Damon doesn't what to leave me home alone so he sit next to me and we talk. The whole time I stair at his face. His baby blue eyes. His perfect jaw line. His black hair. His soft lips.

He is talking about his relationship with his brother, when I could help myself I had to. I grab his face with both of my hand and kiss him. He kisses me back. Our mouths open and we kiss deeper. He rolls on top of me. Our kisses become more passionate . I'm loosing my breath. I feel a throbbing pain in the back of my head. I pull away. Damon gazes into my eyes. "Ow." The pain is getting worse.

"Are you okay?" He asks still gazing.

"Yeah just my neck..." I trail of when Damon lips are at my ear.

"I can fix that." He begins to kiss my neck. Words don't describe the feel of his soft lips kissing my neck. He stops. I don't want him to stop. He kisses my cheek before getting up and going into my bathroom and coming back with two aspen pills and a glass of water. He hands them to me.

"There's something you need to know." I say then swallow the pills. "Aspen knocks me out." I say. He just smiles at me. I snuggle in my bed and wait for them to do there work. I feel Damon sit next to me and stroke my hair. I try to fight the blackness so I could be with him but it didn't work. The blackness took over.


I wake up and I can't see any light though my window. It must be dark. I reach my arms out. "Woah careful." It was Damon. I nearly hit him.

"Whoops sorry." I sit up. "Why are you still here." I asks.

"Because I can. Why don't you want me here?"

"No I do want you here." He smirks. He was bating me. I hit him. He chuckles. "What time is it?" I asks sitting up.


"Where is my family?"

"Down stairs."

"I'm going to have a shower."

"Okay." He gets up and leaves. I get up and turn the shower on. I step in when the water turns warm. I let the water flow over my body. It felt so good. I hope out and dry myself. I put my hair in a ponytail. I can feel 5 stickers at the top of my neck where I hit my head. I change back into my pjs and head down stairs. I bump into Jeremy at the top of the stairs. "I wouldn't go down there." He warns me.

"Why?" I asks the I hear Elena yell and Damon respond. "O." Is all I could say. Jeremy walks past me. Just before he open his door I asks him. "Jer. Is Damon really as bad as Elena tells me?" I ask. He stands there for a second.

"Vic. He is a bad person...but in the last couple of weeks he has changed. I feel that you are making him a better person. I think Elena can see it but she wouldn't except it. She has old grugges about him and she wouldn't let them go." He smiles at me.

"Thanks Jer." I say before going down the stairs and straight to the kitchen where they are fighting. "STOP!" I yell. They both look at me. "Stop fighting." I say calmer this time. I look at them both. "Elena suck it up. Damon and I are together. You have to build a bridge and GET OVER IT." She stairs at me then looks at Damon.

"No she doesn't." It was Damon. "We are not together. We will never be together." A tear is running down my face.

"No we are Damon. Don't listen to her." I pleed

"I'm a bad person Vic and I'm letting you go."

"No your not. You are-" but I'm stop when Damon walks passed me and to the front door. "DONT LEAVE ME DAMON." I yell. Tears are falling everywhere. He doesn't even stop. He just leaves. When the door shuts I turn back to Elena. "NO. DONT EVEN TRY TO EXPLAIN. I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY NOW. HE MADE ME HAPPY AND NOW HE IS GONE. HE IS NOW ON A VERY LONG LIST OF PEOPLE THAT ARE NO LONGER WITH ME." I'm so pissed. My powers are about to explode. I run up stairs and slam my door shut. I lie on my bed. I can't stop the tears streaming from my face. My neck is throbbing but I can't stop crying. I grab more aspen then I should get and swallow the with water. I don't want to feel. I want to have a humanity switch like a normal vampire. I want to turn it of. I find Damon's leather jacket on the ground. I pick it up. It smells just like him. I hug his jacket as I rap myself in my blanket and wait for the blackness to come. This time I welcome it with open arms.

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