Chapter 4

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A few days passed and the house had become more quiet than usual. My mother and I dressed in black and went to the funeral, which took place outside, and brings the story to where I am now. I sit on the front row, staring at the pale, lifeless body before me. The body I can identify as my older brother, Quinton. The man I spent my life and created memories with. The same man who cared for me. I thought Quinton would never die, but life is short.

I will admit, I don't listen to the preacher. Instead, I scan my eyes over Quinton. My eyes glaze over with tears that I won't let fall. I let the memory of Quinton leaving for the war play in my mind. I remember our last conversation, face-to-face, and the last time we hugged before he had to fight for our country. I remember him fade down the dusty road by himself, ready to fight off the enemies that wanted to attack America. The memory is stuck in my mind forever.

When the preacher finishes, everyone says their goodbyes, leaving me to go last. I approach my lifeless brother, wishing I could laugh with him one last time. "Goodbye," I whisper. "I will see you again." Quinton disappears from my vision as the casket is closed. He is lowered into the ground, where I will never see him again on earth.

The day after the funeral, my mother dies, leaving me to be the last of our family. I have never felt so alone. We buried her today, next to my father and my brother. Now if I want to visit my family, I have to visit them in the cemetery. I never thought that I would be the last one alive.

I sit on the front porch and watch the sunset paint the sky pink. Above the clouds, my family roams in Heaven. I know that one day, I will see them again. One day, we can all be happy again and I can laugh with Quinton. I can talk with my father once more and I can hug my mother.

But for now, I will live my time on earth.

Now that I have nobody to care for, I am going to join the Army. My brother did his part and now it's time to do mine. Now, I will finish this war and get revenge on the people that caused my brother's death. I am going to fill his spot. I am going to pick up where he left off.

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