Countdown for the end.

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At some time in the past.

Jaime where are you going? I thought we would play video games today, as always... -in the common room-

Sorry friend, but I can not stay here today -smiling- I have a date with a lady and I'm late, I have to go pick her up at the community center.

YOU HAVE A DATE!!!! -shouted the young green-

The pale girl turned to see them slightly, not paying attention to the book she had in her hands.

So is! This "gallant" has an appointment, it is Friday, and soon it will be at night, I wonder what can happen -looking for the keys of his car- humm? Where do I leave them?

-Entering covering the nose- because it smells like this? -Damian said as he came in with a sandwich cut in half and a juice-

It's my colony, does it smell good, true? nothing like a good scent to charm the ladies -said the young man grabbing the keys of his car that were next to the video game console- well, see you later do not wait for me today!!

-Damian!!! can you believe Jaime has a date?!!! -said the green boy somewhat upset-

-Sitting on the sofa a bit away from Raven- ... it seems that it affects you that he has a date -said the green-eyed boy while grabbing one half of the sandwich-

I never had an appointment and that...that I am the handsome, the cheerful, the friendly! how is it possible that I got ahead of that???!!!! -said the green young man, somewhat annoyed- also it's Friday!

So what? -said the girl while I look at him lowering the book a little- which has special to be Friday today?

-The beast boy Jiggling his fellow "birds" by standing in the middle of these from behind the sofa- do not understand?! IT'S FRIDAY!!! the day you "enjoy the night" !!! -said the green boy-

What is supposed to mean "enjoy the night"? -said the girl while trying to apart the arm of the young green-

I do not know, be with a girl, or a boy in your case, and don't know, do "things" with him/her, I don't know! it's more until Starfire and Dick went to "enjoy" this day!!!

The young "birds" they separated the green young man off -if it bothers you so much, why do not you go and look for a girl! and let me will eat in peace!!! -said the young wonder annoying, leaving his sandwich on the plate again-

You're right, that's what I'll doing!!!!

-Bending down in front of Raven taking her hand- please, stay with me!!! we will spend every day together as well as every night...

-The young lady just looked at him with contempt and some discomfort-...

When I told you to look for a girl, I DID NOT SPEAK OF SHE!!!! -the young Damian sack flying to the green-skinned young man of the room and closed the door in his face- GO TO FUCK ANOTHER SIDE!!!

-Raven only looked at his hand a second and then turned to see Damian who sat on the sofa closer to her without realizing- ...

Shit, one can not even eat in peace... -said the very annoying boy again grabbing half of his snack and turning on the TV-

-Sighing- enjoy the night... eh? -said the girl in a low voice closing her book-

Do you want?... -The young man raised his plate without looking at her, offering half the sandwich he was bringing-

The young woman looked at Damian for a few seconds and smiled slightly as she took half of the sandwich.

Thanks... -the girl said while eating-

Damian X Raven *Broken Doll -Completely Broken-* English ver.Where stories live. Discover now