The end of the darkness.

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Raven !!!!!!! -the young wonder shouted as he was throwing the explosion-

When he regained consciousness, he look at Raven lying on the floor.

Raven! -the young man raised her in his arms, again ignoring his serious injuries, but she was unconscious, now you could see those bruises and wounds that had caused the "shadow" but for the boy with green eyes she was just as beautiful as before- Raven... resists... -stroking her face a little- ...

At that moment someone threw himself at Damian, both turned on the floor leaving the person on him with his hands on his neck.

-Pressing his neck strong- YOU DAMN... !!!! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!

-Trying to move away- you... -the young man fought against those strong hands-

Damned!!! damned!!! you are the culprit of everything! only you!!! -said the shadow with red eyes full of anger and her face torn revealing the darkness in it-

I...!! -Grabbing the shadow's hands trying to pull them away from his neck-

You never noticed us, it's your fault!!! I was liberated by that repressed jealousy of "Raven" for those feelings!!!! and you are the cause of everything! Even now, she preferred you more to you than to me, that she self!!! she sent those stupid warning messages to help you, but I will kill you !!! I'll kill you!!! -shouting in a deranged way- I will not leave you in peace ever!

Jealousy?... -the young wonder asked himself as he moved his hands away from the shadow of his neck with difficulty-

-Damian remembered that moment that Raven's powers went activated in 3 times-

1.-When the girls on the beach flirted with he, and suddenly their drinks exploded in their faces causing them to move away from him.

2.-When Dalila threw herself at him and almost kissed him on that mission and Raven's powers went out of control and eliminated all the guards.

3.-Again with Dalila, when she was thrown to try to hug him and kiss him after training with Garfield and Jaime, the lights of the tower exploded and the jars and drinks equal.

At that moment, Arella's comment made perfect sense.

Some feeling... something... the detonate... I'm not sure... or at what point... I just know that for open the "seal" where it was the shadow, it must have been a very powerful feeling... something... stronger than own Raven herself...

Jealousy... that's the feeling that unleashed everything? -said the boy as he took the strength to completely remove the hands of the shadow throwing it to the floor-

The shadow was unhinged, so her threw Damian's daggers and magic arrows with almost no powers.

I will never forgive you for the pain you caused us to go through!!!! you damn! you're worth nothing! you will not be worth anything to "she", alone will be me... me!!! even if I disappear here!!! I will make sure you die!!!

Damian managed to atack down into the shadow and they both fought but Damian was too hurt which made the shadow take advantage of the fight until he managed to throw him back by pressing on his neck.


-Damian was trying to remove the false Raven again from above and from his neck, but he did not have enough strength anymore- sh... shit... -he was beginning to see the shadow blurred and he no longer had the energy to remove his hands. his neck so he started to let go of the shadow's hands- Ra... Raven...

Damian X Raven *Broken Doll -Completely Broken-* English ver.Where stories live. Discover now