Little Secret

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I woke up when my phone beeped under my pillow, indicating that I had a text. I groaned and sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes. I reached under the pillow to get my phone.


Meet at my house 11am.

I looked up at the time. It was 10am. I jumped out of bed and rushed around to get ready. Once I was showered and dressed, I headed downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Why are you up so early?" My stepdad asked. Usually, I'm not awake until the afternoon at the weekends but I can make an exception for Rebecca.

"I'm meeting a friend" I answered, pouring some cereal into a bowl.

"Is this friend a girl by any chance?"

"What? Why would you ask that?" I questioned feeling my heart rate pick up.

"You don't usually get this dressed up for Mason" My stepdad laughed.

"Well maybe I just want to make an effort" I shrugged.

"What's her name?" My stepdad smiled leaning against the kitchen counter.

I sighed. "Rebecca McCall" I said with a small smile.

"As in Melissa McCall's daughter Rebecca?" He asked. My dad works with Melissa at the hospital so that's how he knows her.

"Yeah" I said eating a mouthful of my food.

"So you like her then?"

"Maybe a little" I admitted with a small smile.

"Well she seems to have a good effect on you. You've been so much calmer lately. I'm proud of you Liam" he said patting my back. "I better get going. I'll see you later"

"Bye" I waved. I looked up at the time; 10:50. Better get going. I put my bowl in the sink, grabbed my phone and house keys and then left to house.


When I got to Rebecca's house she was already outside, playing a game on her phone. She looked up when I walked over. "Hey" she smiled.


"I wanted to talk to you" my smiled disappeared. "It's nothing bad" she said noticing my facial expression. "Just walk with me" she said. I nodded and followed her, curious to find out what she wanted to talk to me about.

"So have you found an anchor yet?" She asked me.

"Not yet. Scott said my anger might work though" I said. She nodded. "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked as we entered the woods.

She smiled. "Well" she grabbed my hand and started to fast walk until she came to a little path which was pretty much covered by trees.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see" she grinned. She ducked under some low branches and pushed her way through some overgrown bushes and plants. I had no choice but to follow.

I ducked under the last branch and came out at a massive field. There was a beautiful blue lake that stretched across a lot of the land. The sight was breathtaking.

"Amazing right?" Bex said, appearing at my side. I was lost for words. "Allison and I stumbled across this when she was training me" she said with a small smile. "It was our little place"

"It's beautiful" I commented.

"I've never told anyone else about this place. Not even Scott" She admitted. "I just thought that you might wanna escape the madness for a day. Be a teenager again" she shrugged. I smirked. "What?" She asked with a small laugh.

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