Fοrενεr Mιηε (Gabriel)

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(Name: Sienna Toms

Age: 28

Occupation: Gabriel's Girlfriend)

Sienna's P.O.V

"Sienna, baby, come here!" Gabriel's charming voice rings through the house. When I enter the living room I see my archangel sprawled out on the couch watching The Walking Dead.

"Yes?" I ask sweetly and sit next to him.

"I wanted to take you out on a date." He smiles making his dimples show.

"What time?" I smile and flutter my eyelashes.

"8:00, I'll go and visit Sam and Dean at 6:00 so I don't ruin your surprise outfit." He winks and I check the time. It's only 3:00 so I have 3 hours to shop.

"We'll I'm going to go shopping right now, I'll be back before you're gone so I can say bye." I grab my keys and kiss him on the lips quickly before sliding my shoes on and skipping out the door happily. I start the car and pull out of the driveway. I blink and all of a sudden I'm in front of the mall. I roll my eyes and park the car. I get out and see a message from Gabe, written on the dust on the side of the car.

'Make sure it looks sexy, babe'


I blush slightly and wipe it away with my hand. I walk into the mall and enter a few stores before finding the perfect dress to wear. It's a tight fitting, short black dress with lace sleeves and show a bit of cleavage. Sexy, but not slutty. I walk around the rest of the store to find a pair of heels, but can't find any that I fancy. I buy the dress and enter the last store in the mall that sells clothes.

I walk around and a pair of heels stand out completely. They are black with lace on the front, but it isn't a normal heel. It curves inward and looks uncomfortable, but beautiful. I take off the shoes I have on now and slide my foot into the heels. I walk around in them and they actually aren't that uncomfortable. I quickly take the heels off and ring them through the cash. I pay and head out of the mall, proud of my buyings. I drive home and unlock the door to find my archangel in the same position he was 2 and a half hours ago, but asleep.

"Gabe." I whisper in his ear and he jumps up.

"You scared the shit out of me." He says and I giggle. He looks down at the bags then back at me. "What's in the bag?" He asks and wiggles his eyebrows.

"You aren't allowed to see until 8:00." I smirk and he pouts.

"Fine, come watch the rest of this with me then." He pats the empty spot beside him and I place the bags in my room. I cuddle up beside him an rest my head on his shoulder.

30 Minutes Later

"I best be going, Sienna. See you at 8:00, no later." He says after the episode ends. I pull him in for a kiss and he beats me to it. I pull away and he snaps his fingers, leaving me to get ready. It takes me 2 hours exactly to get ready and I hear a honk from outside. I look out the window and see a limo parked outside. I step outside and the driver rolls down the window.

"Gabe is waiting for you at the restaurant." Dean says and I giggle.

"Did he make you do this?" I ask and he nods.

"Against my will, so get in. You look good by the way." He compliments and I get in the back. When I get in, I see Cas and smother him in a hug.

"Nice to see you, Sienna, you look ravishing tonight." He smiles and I return it.

"Where exactly are we going?" I ask Castiel and he shrugs.

"I have no idea, Gabriel is always full of surprises."

"Tell me about it." I mutter to myself and pull out my phone to see a text from him.

My Angel : Stop worrying, babe, you're almost there

I smile and turn off my phone. The limo comes to a halt an Dean opens the door. Cas and I get out and he escorts me to the door of the restaurant.

"Hello and welcome to Paramount, do you have a reservation?" He asks us and I look to Cas.

"Yes we are here with Archangel Gabriel." He says and I look at him confused. I look up at the man and his eyes flicker. Is this some sort of supernatural restaurant?

"Ah yes, reservation for Gabriel and Sienna." He says and looks to me. "Go right ahead." He gestures for me to enter and I do. When I do I look around the dim room and see how romantic it is. I find Gabriel quickly and walk to the table.

"Wow, Sienna. You look.. you look beautiful." He says in awe and I blush.

"Thank you, check out these shoes." I say and show him the shoes.

"Those are the weirdest shoes in the history of shoes, trust me, I've seen all kinds of shoes." He says and my face falls. "But they are beautiful when you wear them." He smiles.

"May I take your order, Monsieur Gabriel and Mademoiselle Sienna." A man with a French accent asks us.

"Yes, I'll have the steak medium rare, with baked potatoes and corn." Gabe says and I look at my menu.

"I'll have the pasta, hold the sauce please." I say and he writes it down. He takes our menus and walks away.

"Oh, I ordered us some champagne." Gabriel remembers and pours me a glass of red wine.

"Thank you." I smile and take a sip. He takes my hand from across the table and strokes it lightly with his thumb.

"We've been dating for a while, Sienna and.. I was wondering..." He pauses to get on the ground on one knew. "will you marry me?" He asks and opens a velvet ring box. Tears rush to my eyes and I nod frantically. I hug him tightly and plant a kiss on his lips.

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