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"What's wrong with him"
"Whose the freak who always talks to himself?"
"He should just leave and never come back, he freaks me out."
The whispers behind my back were nothing new. Everyone in this school thought off me as the weird creep who talked to himself.
I winced as I felt someone grab my shoulder.
"Where do you think you are going ya little creep?" A boy I didn't even know spat at me.
"To class.." I whimpered back, his fingers still digging into my flesh.
"Hmm well before you do-" he stopped mid sentence and pushed me down.
He laughed, as did everyone else in the hall.
Humiliated I picked up my bag and walked to my class, keeping my head hung low.
I try to keep a low profile, but people still hate me.
I walked in and immediately headed to the back of the class.
I sat in the very back corner, and put my head down.
No one would sit anywhere near me. It was nothing new, I'm constantly avoided.
I closed my eyes to stop my tears from leaking out.
A desk creaked beside me, I lifted up my head and met the eyes of a tall brown haired boy.
"Hey, I'm Taehyung, I'm new here, it's my first day. Can I sit next to you?" I was shocked by how deep his voice was.
"Mhm, you probably don't want to though, I'm not very well liked at this school, and by that I mean, everyone hates me" I said back.
He tilted his head.
"You seem nice to me" he smiled and sat down next to me.
The teacher began to call attendance.
"Kim Namjoon?"
A blonde haired male in the front row raised his hand.
He passed through a few more names.
"Jeon Jungkook?"
I raised my hand and he gave me a little nod.
He finished reading the list, but he didn't say Taehyung name.
"Why didn't he call you?"  I questioned.
"It's my first day, I'm not even in the list yet, I'll be on it soon" he reassured me.
I nod and turn my attention back to the front of the class.
Class ended and I bolted to the door.
I felt a hand stop me.
I turned around to meet Taehyung's gaze again.
"Hey, thanks for letting me sit with you" a box shaped smile spread across his face, and I couldn't stop one from spreading across my face too.
What was with this kid?

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