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My alarm blared through my room, waking me from my sleep.
I groaned as I rolled out of bed.
The day had barely started and I already wanted it to be the end of the day.
I quickly got dressed and ready for school.
I ran downstairs and straight out the door.
"Maybe the faster I get there, the faster everything will be over" I muttered under my breath.
I walked into the school and was immediately met but the stares and whispers I had become accustomed to.
I couldn't care less, there was one thing on my mind; Taehyung.
I couldn't wait till last class to see him.
"Look at that loser"
"He's a psycho is what he is"
Normally the comments got to me, but I ignored it.
The day drug on slowly until last class finally came.
I excitedly walked into class and smiled when I saw him.
His shaggy brown hair hung over his eyes, and a big smile formed across his face when he saw me.
"Hey Kookie!" He said when I sat down.
"Hey Tae" I smiled back at him.
"Excited to hang out today?" He questioned happily.
I nodded.
After class we walked out together and stopped at his locker.
"So what are we gonna do?" I asked him.
"I was thinking we could go to the park, talk a little bit, I want to get to know you" He smiled slamming his locker.
"Okay" I said back.
He grabbed my hand and I immediately felt the heat rise to my cheeks.
"Let's go!" He yelled excitedly.
I giggled at his cuteness and followed closely behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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