When You Got Your Quirk

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For this one, you're 4 and he's 8. P.S. , (F/C) means Favorite Color, and (E/C) means Eye Color. Alright, here we fuckin go-

Zucci Boi

   "Bye-bye, Momma!"
"Bye, mom!" You and Izuku say as you leave your cozy apartment. "Alright, be careful you two! I don't want anything bad happening to my babies! I love you!"
She responds, before running over and giving you guys a bear hug.
"Love you too, mom! We'll be back, soon!"
And with that, you two were out the door.
     You and Izuku were playing a simple game of catch, passing or bouncing the ball to one another in a comfortable silence, when you speak up.
"Zuku, I hope that I get to be quirkless like you."
He was extremely confused, not because you called him "Zuku", though. You've always called him that. He was confused as to why someone would want to go through the trials and tribulations of being a quirkless.
"W-What?! Why would you say that, (Y/N)?!"
"Because, I think it's cool to be quirkless, if Zuku is. If Zuku does it, I wanna do it, too!"
Zucc- I mean Izuku was on the verge of tears, when you fell to the ground, grabbing your sides, screaming
Izuku was both petrified and hoping it was a joke, but quickly realized it was all real, when he saw them fat-ass tears streaming down your face.
"Can you walk?!"
Luckily, thanks to the the size difference and the fact that you weren't even 90 pounds, he was able to carry you. He ran as fast as he could towards the apartment, but didn't get far before he felt two huge lumps in your back that kinda looked like tumors. Now he was really scared. He didn't realize he'd come to a complete stop, while wide-eyed and staring at your back. The back of your shirt then ripped (more like exploded 2 inches from Izuku's damn face) open, to reveal giant, (F/C) wings.
You borderline screeched, seeming to have forgotten about the I M M E N S E pain you were in a few seconds ago, then tears started to well up in your (E/C) eyes.
"Does this mean I can't be like you, anymore...?"
Zucci Boi didn't know what to say or do, so he just held you and gave you a little head peck. You eventually fidgeted out of his death grip and onto the ground. "That's okay! When I grow up and get biiiig and strong,"
you stretched your arms out real wide
"I'll give you flying piggyback rides!!!"
You said with all the confidence in the world. Izuku started to tear up.
"A-Alright, (Y/N). Let's go show mom your pretty new wings!" "YEAH!"

Ice-Ice Baby

   On a day Shouto was supposed to train, Endeavor had to go do some hero shit and save a family from some fucker. To be quite honest, you hoped he'd never come back home. He was mean, he was always yelling or talking shit to somebody, and you were as done with it as a 4-year-old could be done with anything or anyone. Since Shouto didn't have to train until Enji got back, you decided to ask your brother to play with you. "Mommy's busy, and nobody else wants to play with me. Will you play with me?"
You asked, feeling a little upset that nobody wanted to do anything with you.
"Why not? I've got time 'till dad gets back. Sure."
You cheered and asked him what he wanted to play.  He thought about a game that you'd be able to play, too. You were the one who wanted to play the most, after all. While he was thinking, you suddenly fell to the ground, holding your sides and talking about how much
"It Hurts!". "
(Y/N), what are you talking about? What hurts?"
"M-M-My back. It hurts reeaally bad!"
You then proceeded to vomit from the pain. IcyHot knelt down and held your hair out of the way with one hand, while rubbing your back with the other. Your back then started to swell....A  L O T. Shouto began to freak out a little as his eyes doubled in size. When he was just about to call for your mom or Fuyumi, two really huge, (F/C) wings emerged from your back as you gasped for breath, you turned your head back and looked at your newfound wings. "Do you feel any better, now?" "Yeah! It doesn't hurt, anymore!" You said, happy and relieved that the pain was gone.
"Well, (Y/N), looks like you've got your quirk, now."
He cracked a small, but noticeable smile at his adorable toddler of a sister.

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