When You Self Harm/Commit Suicide pt.3

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Okay so, Trigger Warning. This one shot contains graphic descriptions of sensitive subjects. If you are easily triggered, I suggest you skip out on this one. Alright, onto the story. One more thing, though:
Stay Safe


You were running...

Running to get away...

From what?

What time is it?


Oh..it's him.

Your ex.

The man who ruined you.


You screamed and cried, kicked and clawed, cried and sobbed...

But it got you nowhere.

He proceeded to pin you down in an alleyway.

"And now...I'm going to make sure you KNOW that you are MINE. For the rest of your life. Nobody else can have you. Not even your pathetic brother can save you now.."

He trailed off as he began to rip off your school uniform skirt and...

You woke up in a cold sweat. You felt hot tears running down your face, nonstop.
"I'm so sorry Tamaki. I know it hurts you, too."
Tamaki blames himself for what happened to you that day, about two weeks ago. He says he always will.
"If only I had fought harder..."
You let out a sob, muffled by the palm of your hand, as you eased your way out of your bed. You walked over to your closet. There was a shelf where you kept a shard of glass that you used to ease your mental and emotional pain the only way you knew how.

Physical pain

You sat back on the edge of your bed, rolled up your sleeve and contemplated whether you should just slit your wrists and bleed out or not. You eventually decided on the first option, holding the point of the shard and slicing vertically up your arm, then the other. You rolled down your sleeves and laid yourself back down in bed with a melancholy yet relieved smile. Sad that you'd leave your family behind, yet overjoyed that all the pain and suffering would finally leave you.

Time Skip

Tamaki came into your room, as per usual, to see you sleeping peacefully.
'It's good to know she's getting proper rest, now'
He went to wake you up, however, when he shook you, something was off. You were so...limp. Tamaki mumbled a small
"Wait a damn minute..."
Under his breath. He checked for a pulse.


He quickly removed the covers, only to be met with immeasurable pain. His baby sister lying in a bed, soaked in her own blood, shed from her wrists. All Tamaki could do was wail.
He let out a gut wrenching scream of heartbreak. He carried you outside to a neighbor's house and yelled at the door.
The couple who owned the house were shocked to see him holding you, blood seeping through your sleeves and falling to the ground like crimson raindrops. They gave Tamaki a ride to the nearest hospital, wishing him the best before bidding him goodbye. He booked it to the entrance, trying to keep his composure as he already knew the outcome of this situation. He ran to the receptionist desk.
"P-Please...my b-baby sister..s-she-"
"It's okay, hold on. I'll get you a doctor immediately. Hang in there."
The receptionist took you from him and rushed down the hall. The only thing he could do was watch. Once again, he was unable to save you.

You were pronounced dead at 7:45a.m.

Now he was all alone. No mother. No father.

No more sister.

In this one I imagine them with no parents. Sorry for any confusion.

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