When You Self Harm/Commit Suicide pt.2

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graphic descriptions of sensitive subjects. If you are easily triggered, I suggest you skip out on this one. Alright, onto the story. One more thing, though:
                      Stay Safe
Him: 22
Since he'd become a hero, you, your parents and Ochako have lived in his house, since he was a very family-oriented man and had finally gotten the money he desired to support his family. Your parents were currently out right now, and Ochako was getting ready to go out on hero work. You came downstairs to see him off.
"Good luck Ochako! Go get 'em."
You had a smile which was very obviously forced.
"(Y/N), are you okay sweets? I can stay home and get someone else to fill my spot-"
You cleared your throat.
"Um, I mean no. You have hero duties to fulfill. You should focus on those! Besides, I'll see you later."
You knew damn well you wouldn't see him later. Or ever again, for that matter. Not with what you had planned.
He said hesitantly.
"I'll see you later, m'kay?"
You hugged him. You were diagnosed with severe depression about three months ago. You'd self harmed, never left your room to interact with family, and even attempted suicide. However, recently you'd been acting very cheery, and Ochako knew something was up. As soon as he left, you ran upstairs, anxious to put your plan into action. You were going to end your life. To finally escape the pain and emptiness that never went away. You kept a small box under your bed. You already had the notes to your family written and everything. You opened a box, a pistol you'd purchased a while back. You always kept it loaded, waiting for the right moment. This pistol would end it all. All your suffering would be gone in an instant. You cocked it, held it to your head.
"I'm so sorry guys. I love you all. Everything will be better now."
The bullet penetrated your skull, causing a bit of your brain to spill out of your now severely damaged head. You were laid back, sprawled out on the floor, eyes wide open. It was truly a gruesome sight. However, neighbors heard the gunshot and called the cops. When they'd arrived, the person who had contacted them showed to the house where the noise had come from. The Uraraka estate. Authorities proceeded to surround the house and instructed the "assailant" to come out, hands raised and to immediately drop to their knees. When there was no response, they had to resort to force. They busted the door down. They split up and searched the house, one officer heading in the direction of your room. He gasped and quickly notified the other officers.
"That's a damn shame. She was so young..."
                    Time Skip
Ochako had arrived home from work, and when he saw cop cars and ambulances, his heart fell through his asshole.
He desperately asked what had happened. The officer began to tear up a bit, handing him an envelope. He hesitantly opened it, confused. There was a note.
It read

Heya, Ocha-Man! If you got this, that means that I'm dead. Whoops! I'm really sorry for all the trouble I've caused you when I was alive. I think that you're probably sad right now, so I'll try to cheer you up as best I can! Sooo remember when my quirk manifested? We were having so much fun that day! You were using your quirk on me to make me float and you were throwing me and then floating up, yourself. And then you would hold me. Your hugs were the best! They were so warm and secure. And then there were the protective brother bear hugs. Remember my first date? Yeah, we don't really talk about that...haha, but, in short, I really, really, loved you. You were the greatest big brother I could've asked for. I sooo didn't deserve you. Oh, mom's coming. I love you!
                                         With love,
By now, he was screaming.
"I'm so sorry sir, but it is required that we do not let you onto the scene."
Tears poured out of his eyes. They wouldn't let him in, so he floated over them. Nobody had a quirk that could stop him, so they all just gave up. He finally got to your room. The door was shut completely. He took a shaky breath before opening it. As soon as he saw you, he ran to you, held you to his chest and wailed a heartwrenching wail.
"(Y/N)! I'M SO S-SORRY!"
In that moment, a light inside him flickered out. There was a hole in his family filled heart that would never be filled again. After a while he'd stopped crying and held you like a baby and began rocking you silently. Your parents soon arrived and were notified of what happened. Ochako heard their pained screams from outside and began crying again.
"It's all my fault..I should've listened to my gut...I shouldn't have left you home alone. I could've stopped you, explained to you that you caused no trouble at all. We cared for you because we wanted to. You were no burden. We absolutely adored you, sweets. But..b-but now..you're not here, anymore. I can't give you anymore hugs- wait..."
He began crying harder.
"Y-You can't hear me, c-can you..?"
He stared into your lifeless eyes, devoid of light. He delicately closed them and held you close, like you'd disappear.

Even though you already had.

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