Hello everyone, come one come all!
Our pride is coming before our fall!
I'll tell you how we can begin too save!
You need too be entitled too the grave.
You need to know what is real!
You must know when too feel...
No one can know who you are...
You are simply driving your car..
You thin the air, all around you...
The feelings of suicide, confide inside you...
Your death, is not in vain...
Unless your entitled too your name..
So answer me this question...
How do we fight depression?
That answer is quite the opposite of what you hear!
You need too be dead too yourself, not near.
You need too serve, not control...
You need too be remote control..
Let the Examiner show you around...
For you are what he has found...
Somebody once died for your sins..
But you will have too do it again..
Take up your pain, take up your strife..
Come with me and fall in line!
I am walking, into the sea!
Who will walk and come with me?
There's pain, there's sorrow...
But we aren't promised tomorrow...
The march begins, when pride wins...
The March just shows, what we know...
It gives us safety... it gives us freedom....
Yet, we are slaves too our kingdoms...
The only way too be free, is by serving a king...
The only key, is who that may be...
But for me, that is The examiner..
That is the heart tester..
That is the winner of wars..
That is who I serve..
So choose you this day, who you will follow..
Because we aren't promised tomorrow...Sleep well!