welcome back everybody...
enjoy the show...
I think there's lots of things you should know...
theres an end coming...
a wonderful song!
I wonder where It all went wrong....
the pain is sweeping out...
this music knows no bounds...
theres a song playing in my head...
it won't stop until im dead...
ironically, I write music...
Sadly, it Kills people...
But its so beautiful and calm!
Yet it is so wrong...
You don't understand what I'm saying..
truth is, you are just deflating..
you have songs of your own...
Truth is, you have no home...
You have no instrument to channel it...
I play my knife, Night to Night...
maybe you play games, like fortnite..
either way its still a song...
so tell me if im wrong...
You hurt?
You cry?
You ask questions..
You have a family..
you have a song..
your life hasn't gone horribly wrong...
By five, foster care was all I knew...
by six, I was pulled out...
by seven, the pain washed in..
by eight I was about to break...
by nine, I did in....
by ten, deeper and deeper I went...
by eleven, I broke my jars...
by twelve, I rocked hard...
by thirteen, I played drums..
by now, Im gone...
I still love my song..
even though its dreadful and wrong...