Chapter One

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Narnia - 11:30 am

Narnia as always was beautiful in winter, it really, really was. The snow laid like a icy thick quilt over the bushes and flowers that freely roamed the meadows and fields. The icicles dropped a tune whilst melting, them causing a frozen puddle to form underneath the source. In Cair Paravel, everyone walked around with great, furry coats, except the animals who always had heaps of their own fur to keep them warm, of course. But despite this beautiful scenery, nothing could block out the usual shouting of all four siblings in their very own dining room.

"W H Y are we inviting T H E M to O U R home!!" Shouted Edmund, his messy hair and morning voice echoing through the calls, the set vents trying to ignore the havoc and hurry up out of the room.

Susan stood up in rage, face red, fist clenched as she trailed her red, long layered dress over to the whining 17 year old who stood there with a glare. "Ed! They've helped us through everything, we're inviting them for a couple months for Aslans sake, you won't even have to see them if you really want. Now grow up!"

Edmunds jaw dropped suddenly as he sat back down into his chair, arms crossed and jaw clenched hard. "Yeh, I'll ignore the wild animals for THREE GODDAMN MONTHS SHALL I-"

"Ed shut up will you, why can't you just be polite, kind, and respectful like the rest of us." Peter spoke calmly, flicking through a book that was wrote about the Avra generations, which he had always found interesting.

"Urm I don't know Pete?" Edmund spoke sarcastically. "Maybe it's because, I'm not like the rest of use?"

Peter just sent a mocking look to Edmund, before ignoring the teenager who had obviously woken up on the wrong side of the bed.

Lucy, who has been sat their quietly during the half an hour argument had finally finished her fresh orange juice and now had the confidence to speak. "Why dont you like them Ed? Queen Grace and King James are very nice, and Princess Gabrielle-"

"Who calls their daughter Princess Gabrielle Lily-Leigh May of Avra for crying out loud? The birth certificate must be horrendously long-" edmund began again, but a small wolf ran in, a graceful bow before enlightening that the Avra family had arrived.

"They're here, right now?" Susan questioned, as a smile approached Lucy's face as she brushed the crumbs off her dress and stood straight.

"Yes your majesty, predicted slightly early in gathering?" The wolf, Cindon responded with a charming flick of his tail, before Peter stood up proudly, leaving edmund on the chair with a roll of his eyes.

Susan nodded, and began walking in sinc with Peter and Lucy, Cindon on all fours by their side. "Slightly early yes, but that shouldn't effect our welcoming should it?"

"Of course not my queen." Cindon then pounced off, running out into the distance, his paws damp wig melting snow, and his paw prints sticking into the white powder.

Susan stood straight against the tall, broad shouldered Peter, and Lucy just smiled in her fluffy dark blue dress, and a long navy cape that covered her easily cold shoulders. As the looked out from the large door, across the pathway were a carriage and horses sat patiently waiting for the Pevensies to welcome them, sat the Avra family.

First out, was the King and Queen, them walking slowly up to the four, Edmund appearing with a fake grin. Grace and James were dressed beautifully as usual, Grace in a lavender coloured dress, that barely showed any skin to prevent the icy temperatures from racing to her. And James, in slim emerald pants and a matching long top, with a blazer like, velvet coat ontop of the outfit.

They walked up the stairs, hand in hand as Peter shook their hands greetingly. "Safe journey I hope?" Peter asked, kissing the hand of Queen Grace with respect.

Broken But Breathing // Edmund PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now