Shes early...

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Song:feels like tonight by daughtry

Tara's pov.

I got off of the phone with liv and I couldn't contain my joy, I'm happy that her and I are gonna be together again, I got dressed and decided to go see Leanna, I haven't seen her in so long and plus knowing Olivia she'll be hanging with her and smoking or getting drunk. She wasn't always like that... I remember when she was with me she would buy me things,hug me,cuddle me,kiss me, and she would tell me she loved me every day... But I left her because I just wanted more, well a commitment, well i don't fucking know what I wanted! All I know is that I wanted to have someone new. That sounds bad I know but it's just that I was tired of the same person! Seriously 3 years and she didn't purpose?! God we may have been young but even a promise ring would have been nice. I finished getting ready, got into my car, and started driving to Leanna's... I got there after about a half an hour and knocked on the door. Leanna opened it and she looked so surprised. "Baby doll!" She yelled as she hugged me "Barbie girl!" I screamed and squeezed her.

"How have you been?" She pulled away and smiled at me "I've been good." She smirked "I see you and liv haven't lost connection." I blushed. "Ermm yea I still love her and always will." She smiled wide then frowned "you hurt her Tara, I mean horribly hurt her, she wouldn't leave her house for weeks and when she finally came out she played every girl she met from then on and hasn't had one serious relationship." I felt terrible.. Did I really do this to my baby? My lover? My best friend? My heart ached for Olivia. "She's in the back." I blinked a few times "who is?" "Liv, I can see you looking for her." Was I? I didn't even notice, I nodded and smiled at Leanna who let me in and sat on the couch while I started walking to the back room. I herd talking and knocked on the door. "Yea?" An unfamiliar voice asked. "Ermm is Livia in there?" It was quiet and then I herd my babies voice. "Tara?" "Baby!" I ran through the door and a horrible view is what I got instead of a hug or a kiss. I saw some chick with her arms and legs wrapped around Olivia and the chick against the wall..... What the fuck?! "What's this?" I asked coldly and Olivia set the girl down slowly. "Tara what are you doing here?" She sounded calm and different? "Baby I came to see you." I ran up to her and hugged her. I had tears in my eyes. She hugged me tight,put her face in my neck and mumbled "I love you." I couldn't help it I started crying and nodded "I love you too baby,I love you so much,I'm not leaving you again." Through all of this the girl she was with was staring at us.. I pulled away and nodded my head towards the girl. "Oh Tara that's Teagan, Teagan this is Tara." "The no one?" I made a confused face and looked at Olivia who nodded.

"Liv? Who's the bitch?" I asked and smirked at Teagan "she's a friend." She looked shocked? What did she really think my baby would like her? I started giggling. "Teagan I'm still coming over tonight, we can talk then, okay?" Teagan smiled wide and I swear I wanted to smack the shit out of her, she's so preppy! Like what the fuck is up with her and her smile? Wait spending the night? I grabbed Olivia's cheeks so she could look at me and shook my head. "You're not going over her house tonight." She groaned "it's just for tonight." I sighed and watched Teagan leave. "Fine but don't fuck her." She got quiet and tried to look away but I pushed her face back to mine. "You fucked her? Seriously?!" She shrugged "is she good?" Liv didn't want to look at me. "How does she taste?" I wanted to know all this but I don't know why.

I'm pissed super pissed and the next thing you know I slap Olivia. She didn't move... She stood still and my hand stings so I know her face does. "Baby I'm sorry!" I kissed her cheek but she stayed quiet. "Please,talk to me!" She just walked out of the room...

Olivia's pov.

I'm all for spanking a chick or being spanked during sex but smacking me? Seriously?! No she's lucky I didn't punch her in the face! I walked out and saw Teagan standing there, she looked at my cheek and her eyes widened "did she?" I shrugged "yea" she looked mad and started walking past me towards the room but I picked her up "don't" she's tried to wiggle out of my grasped and managed... She walked into the room and I turned to see what was going on, she smacked Tara so hard she fell! "Teagan!" She walked back towards me and looked me in the eyes "you never answered my questions! You need to answer them now!" I blinked and looked at her, she had the cutest angry face it was actually one of the sexiest things I've ever seen. Uh oh here Tara comes. "Hey bitch step away from her she doesn't want you!" I picked Teagan up and threw her over my shoulder so she couldn't do anything.

I walked her to the car,put her inside,got in,and drove away. "Don't talk to Tara." Teagan mumbled and I looked at her for a second. "I love Tara." "Let me out of the car." "Wait till I pull up to the house." She sighed and waited but said nothing els, I pulled into the drive way after what seemed like forever and turned off the car. "Teagan what's wrong?" "You love her but she hit you!" The word hit it's not the best word. "She hit me because I had sex with you." She un buckled her self and crawled on top of me so she was straddling me. "I'm really sorry" I shrugged "it's not your problem." She leaned down like she was gonna kiss me but then pulled away. "You're with jake and I'm single." She shook her head "I dont like that idea." I rolled my eyes. "Yea well." She kissed me hard, she ran her fingers through my hair and pulled my face closer. I don't want it to end but then there's a knock on the window.... Uh oh.... "GET OUT OF THE FUCKING CAR!"

Mmm I wonder who tapped on the window.

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