Chapter 2: vickys POV

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I let myself in knowing she won't mind. I hear a Big Bang coming from upstairs, has she fallen or fainted?


"KELLY SHIT!" she's trying to kill herself, I run up to her and bang on the doorframe in the attempt that the rope will untie, but it doesn't so I pick her up so that she's not choking. I untie her and lay her on the floor.

"What are you doing... help help someone!" I scream. It there's. No one in the house so I call 911 to get the ambulance and the police.

"Kelly you twat what is this about? Kelly please tell me your not dead .... Kelly?.... Kelly you bitch breathe!" I try and resuscitate her even though I have no idea how but by that time the ambulance had come.

'Ding dong' I ran downstairs and fell down half of them in need to get to the door. "Hello yes come In I need you."

"Yer what happened?" said the paramedic, he was young, kinda cute, he had curly brown hair and an Irish accent. "my best friend Kelly tried to kill herself and I don't know if it worked"

We both rushed upstairs and when he saw her on the floor I could tell but the look on his face that he was gonna say "sorry but you know we can't help them if they've already gone right?"

" For fuck sake can't you just resuscitate her or something please I need her?"

"Nah sorry it's against hospital rules and we could get arrested or fined loads so!"

"Fine then piss off!" I say hugging her.

"No need to be rude just cause you friend killed herself!"

"Both of you no need to fight!" said a police officer behind us.

"He refuses to help her and made an obscene comment about her!" I say getting angry.

"Now what happened ?"said the police officer

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